Indigo Komiwonuhke Poirier

"I hate when people are having fun and i'm not also having fun"

You did a good deed.

Actually I have it on good authority that the two TDS writers who worked on this segment are women. That's why it's so real.

Jessica Williams is awesome. I also enjoyed a similar bit on gun violence with Klepper and Che.

Aphex Twin is not a "they", it's a he. And you both are wrong.

We haven't seen a new game since the GBA

Making this the official request thread for a new entry in the F-Zero series. We haven't seen a new game since the GBA, and if people love the Anti-Gravity courses in Mario Kart 8, then they are going to be in for a wild ride with a new F-Zero.

Nominating this thread as the official request thread for another Kirby's Dream Course game to mix the whimsy of Kirby with mini-golf (sort of; play the original to see what I mean).

Nominating this thread as the official thread for requesting any of the following:

I understand why you'd want that, but I'm of the belief that the series was perfected at 3 titles. Like they say, you can have too much of a good thing and, especially in the video game industry, I find that restraint is the most overlooked asset.

f zero.

Kirby's Dream Course 2


Pull Retro off of whatever nonsense they are making and put them to work on Metroid Prime 4 IMMEDIATELY

Mario galaxy 3 or sunshine 2

Flirting might seem like a romantic code language that everyone but you is fluent in, but the truth of the matter —

Like the active battle from FFVI where you could get through most battles by simply holding the action button?

This might be my favorite boss fight ever.

Well friend of my own 27" 4k monitor and you dont need even to put detail settings high to get game look good :D And it have 1ms and 60 hz