Indigo Komiwonuhke Poirier

So, people have a beef with what is being represented, and you have a beef with that. You then defend yourself by saying I'm not a privileged white male, which means you can speak for all non-whites and non-males, that they should not be offended. You also are presuming to speak for white males that actually want

Glad they were able to say that, I don't understand why people watch streams of random people. Twitch has no use for me personally, and don't think there are any competitive like games on wii u that would need there to be streaming.

Well I'm bored of people like you seeming to think that not representing 51% of the population and 49% of gamers is a good idea.

Memes never truly die, they just fade away

It's a valid concern — and it makes me appreciative that someone there is human enough to address it.

Is this journalism? No, this is meaningless hype.

I'm maining Pac and challenge you to a DUEL good sir.


His hand beam is from Galaga, another one of the most popular arcade games of all time. He looks to me like an homage to all things 80's arcades, and to me that era and scene are much more in need of representation in this homage to all things video games than yet another sword fighter from an (until recently) niche

Pac-man is honestly one of the least cool characters in video games— and certainly not relevant. Easily the worst announced so far. May God have mercy on their souls for not-announcing Lucina yet.

In an article telling entitled "Education and Discipline in the Videogame Industry," AFM President Ray Hair declares, "The time has come for education and discipline," "within our ranks" as well as within the Video Game industry.

You've got a thing for melting faces, eh? Thanks. XD

Oh god, I hope. Can't wait to see what fanart the Smash community comes up with.

Zelda or Mother 3. Please.

Mother 3ds??

the only thing is that the levels I've seen so far look very short. I hope you can adjust the length of the level.

Nintendo might never have given us Mother 3 in English, but at least they've got JOKES. Here's a small part of the intro to Nintendo's Digital Event today. I can confirm that this is exactly what happens when you ask Reggie Fils-Aime about Mother 3.

you are being too optimistic