While this makes me want to buy a PS4, I pretty much made that decision after the leaked gameplay, the rest of the presentation has been boring as shit. MS at least had Sunset Overdrive and Crackdown.
I'm a little late to the party but I recently picked up DKCR2 for Wii U and am having an absolute blast with it. Just got to the last island and getting ready for the final battles.
In that case this probably won't help you. In level editing it doesn't get much easier than moving tiles around and placing enemies and such.
Eh, with the tools available for level editing SMB1, SMB3, and SMW it really hasn't been hard for a long time.
This is one of the types of things I've been randomly vocalizing that Nintendo should do for a while since level editors just make sense on touch screen interfaces. If the photo is legit, it looks like it even does the mixing and matching of elements from multiple games that I was hoping for (GameXplain had a…
It definitely looks like making ridiculous ROM hacks of the original Super Mario Bros. just got waaaaaay easier to do.
I.. I think I would be more likely to buy it if it was literally that.
My guess for Nintendo's highlighted game is the leaked Mario Maker game. I bet there will be a 3DS version and a WiiU version that talk to each other and let you build Mario game levels, whether they're old school 2D affairs or full 3D worlds, like Minecraft, is up for debate, as the imagery leaked only shows old…
Thank you, although I'm usually as dickish as the best(read: worst) ones. I'm probably just way older than the average gamer. ;)
Haha, I really like that you at least admit the reasoning. That's rare. Congratulations on being less awful than most gamers.
They said they were not sure.
As far as I know they never confirmed there wouldn't be DLC.
Also, why the hell would you buy a game on launch if you are not planning on playing it for a long time?
Actually, 11 until press conference day!
Guess I'm getting a PS4.
Demon Souls Sequel? I'm glad the the dev who was behind Dark Souls is now President of FROM.
Sneaky Nintendo—at the end of a video advertising their upcoming Smash Bros. tournament at E3 in two weeks, the…
God, how this entire thing boils my blood.
Why it's worth playing: Red and Blue are the Pokemon games that started it all. Keeping it simple at only 151 Pokemon to find, fight, capture, and train, Red and Blue employed a basic turn based system that allowed any novice to RPGs to play with ease. With catchy music, exciting battles, and a vast world to explore,…