Wandering Wombat

Thanks for the info...I fixed it. Next to get a “my tomato plant is smarter than your honor student” bumper sticker.

I do, too, but then I spent all day looking flat-chested but feeling amazing and decided the latter was more important to me.

my eating isnt super restricted. i basically stopped eating out (i was eating out 2x a day!!!) and eat more veggies and just less shit. i hope i can keep up with this forever. i’m a drug addict in recovery and learned ‘one day at a time’ years ago and i try to keep that approach with weight loss! cant think about the

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

Your problem is that you have too many friends. I don’t know 26 people well enough to be invited to their weddings. It’s cheaper that way.

lol wut. The Irish had it bad off, to be sure, but they did not experience anything even remotely like systemic slavery. Arguments for such an idea are borne of pure white supremacist martyrdom complexes.

Yes, it’s offensive on so many levels to claim that Irish people were slaves. Liam Hogan is doing great work in assembling counter-arguments to the memes. Irish people have plenty of historical oppression to draw upon but slavery was a distinctly different (worse) experience.

As a historian I approve this clearing of the record.

I’m sorry, in what universe are the majority of sex workers consenting to sex? Some of them, sure, but the VAST majority of them? Being trafficked is not consenting. Being desperate is not consenting. Being poor and uneducated is not consenting. Being sold is not consenting. Being tricked is not consenting. Being

My thoughts exactly. It’s legal in the Netherlands - but it still comes with stigma, desperation, exploitation and trafficking. I absolutely don’t think sex workers should be criminalized, but your last statement is full bingo - legality does not necessarily bring safety, proper regulation, happiness or respect to the

You seem to have confused legalization (which most sex workers oppose) with decriminalization (which most sex workers support).

Maybe you should ask the trafficked Eastern European and Asian women forced into sexual slavery in “legal” brothels in Germany and the Netherlands.

Super unpopular opinion- I really don’t like legalizing prostitution because of the commodification of (mostly) female bodies. I think if it was a small scale with women having total control over being paid for what they decide on, it would be different. But, it’s not. For the most part, when prostitution is legal,

Well, but there’s consenting to something because you want to have sex with people for money (and if you do, great! You do you!) and consenting to something because you’re poor, or uneducated, or feeding an addition, or whatever and it’s the only prospect you have for making money. Is that actually consent and is that

I think my big fear right now would be that with the way anti-women sentiment is flowing, that if prostitution was legalized fully then there would be a lot more middle lass women finding themselves put on the street or being sold around by their husbands. I don’t think women who work in the sex industry should be

The point is that often the women AREN’T consenting and I really doubt any man stops to find out or even care. And the wives of the johns aren’t consenting either — to either secret betrayal or sexually transmitted diseases that they’d never think to check for to treat.

I wonder though if most of the women polled were looking at it from the perspective of “this mostly hurts women through coercive practices and trafficking and therefore it’s really bad” rather than “those slutwhores”. In which case, yeah, it makes sense that women would view it more unfavorably since we’re the ones

Shocking! Women less likely to support something that would hurt mostly women!

Vancouver is a playground for rich investors now. Check out what you can afford to rent before you decide to move here! Commercial Drive being the last enclave of what Vancouver once was.