
Glad you love your first tattoo! I have just one, and there are some definite regrets there. It’s on my back (wanted it on the back of my neck - regret #1), so I don’t have to look at it all the time, so maybe that’s why I don’t completely hate it? The negative experience was primarily my fault, anyway. It’s there, I

I got my first tattoo a couple of weeks ago and I love it so much. Just dropped off the deposit for two more (well planned and thought out to compliment this current one).

Weekly Achievement/Good Deeds Thread! What awesomeness did you get up to this week? Let us know so that we can crow along with you.

Today's nails. This is the most magical magnetic polish, Phoenix Flight by Emily de Molly. I just got it in the mail and had to use it immediately. 

Hello, Dunks. Good query!

Gorgeous dog, utilitybinch! I feel you on the relationship breakup, me too, after 10 years, 2 kids, and a mortgage. I don’t know if you are experiencing the same, but despite knowing how awful our relationship is and how things have happened that make it unrepairable, I find that the loneliness and adjustment to being

I survived Hell Week at work. I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired. But I did get over 7 hours of overtime, and I promised myself that the money from that is going towards a massage or something as sumptuous and luxurious.

Hi Jezzies, I’m feeling pretty depressed and my anxiety is bad at the moment. The house I’m moving into has a lot of repairs so it’s going to take a while to be ready to move into. I also found out that the poor lady that lived there before killed her self in the property. It’s all adding up to a nightmare at the

How are they going to pay for their yacht if they can’t sell you a cardiac bypass or knee replacement? Their kids are going to have to go to public schools on the profit from selling you preventative healthcare.

That was also my feeling. I’ve been getting tattoos for 20+ years now and how artists interest potential clients has changed. It went from local word of mouth/walk ins, to conventions/features in national mags, to facebook and insta. In all of that change the one thing that hasn’t is needing your work to be strongly

See this would have been much more interesting and would have tied into the Tattoo #MeToo piece that Anna did last year. As it stands though it just seems like a really awkward private disagreement between hipsters. 

The whole thing is a dispute between two small businesses. I glazed over after the sixth paragraph (felt like the 50th).

I’m so happy to have female bosses (except one, but I rarely report to him) all the way up. Not to say that woman can’t be terrible, but in my workplace it has had a noticeable and drastic impact on decreasing harassment, bullying, and inappropriate behaviour. It also means, when a male superior (not in my direct

three weeks ago didn’t know the three branches of government

Seriously! Came here to say this. In fact, I have an extremely hard time believing that 45 could right now without any coaching. 

Give him a break.

You know, it’s possible to acknowledge that a thing may not be right for everyone, but isn’t a bad thing in and of itself. I feel like weddings and associated topics get shit on like this on Jez a LOT, and it bugs me. No one should feel obligated to buy a ring, and no one’s relationship is invalid without one, but my

When my now-husband and I started talking seriously about marriage, it was “Please let me propose to you because I don’t want a ring or a big public to-do or weird instagram photos.” I had sort of a plan for how I’d propose in a nice, private way which got totally derailed when we found out our dream venue was being

Got my wife a zirconia from Amazon and she could care less. I am one of the poors and if one day I can get her a nice real diamond I will because she is great.