
We Were Dead is my second favorite MM album, next to The Moon & Antarctica. It’s so dynamic in its sound, with tons of memorable and high-energy melodies coupled with some of the band’s strongest lyrics. We’ve Got Everything, People as Places as People, and Steam Engenius in particular are absolute fire, but there’s

Exactly this right here. I’ve also paid well over my original balance in interest and have made almost no dent in the principal. The “income-based” payment plans they sell you on when you’re broke and/or fresh out of college feed this bottomless machine because they have you pay just enough that interest keeps

It’s something of a universal truth that the squeaky wheel is the on that gets oiled. Girls are taught better control of ourselves than boys, in general, and so have been overlooked for years for all too many things. I’m decidedly a combination type...I still don’t tend to sit still, though the absolute NEED to

I just watched Jennifer’s Body with my 14 year-old daughter & she said it was “very 2000s.” If you’re wondering what exactly the fuck that means, get in line.

I said in another thread here that (IMO) comedy is much harder to do well than drama. I’ve never watched “New Girl”, but have heard she was quite good.

Just rewatched the season of New Girl where she guest stars, and she’s honestly great on it. Her comic timing and screen presence was solid. And yeah, Jennifer’s Body is entirely underrated. 

Famous Women are Expected to be Conventionally Attractive and Famous Men Dont Have to Be” would be a better headline. 

I guess you can do anything to these people so long as you REALLY dick over black and brown people.’

If there was one moment that made me not want to vote for Bernie, it was his choice to react favorably to Joe Rogan.


Do you think Justice Kennedy would’ve swung left on Obergefell if the Obama administration had remained anti-gay marriage? And who led that swing? Just asking because you specifically mentioned “doing nothing to further social progress in recent years.” Naturally, the most consequential civil rights decision of my

As a fellow Warren supporter, it’s definitely frustrating, although it does appear Biden is listening a bit more. He seems to realize that many of the ideas Sanders/Warren have pushed are very popular with Democratic voters (and Americans in general) and that he can’t just throw them aside. It will be interesting to

Not for nothing, but Biden actually was a catalyst for marriage equality. Not saying he’s not a huge old guard establishment figure, but let’s not oversell how useless in every way that the nominee is. He’s not my first or second or third choice, either. 

It’s disgusting to hear Biden thank Sanders for challenging the Powers That Be when Biden himself represents those same Powers That Be in so many ways. I was always in Elizabeth Warren’s camp but am more saddened than ever that I have to vote for this person who has done practically nothing to further social progress

They just closed the Lakefront Trail here in Chicago, which really hit me hard, as putting in a podcast and walking where I can look at the water and not at buildings never ceases to bring me joy. I can gently exercise my body while focusing on people dissecting Game of Thrones minutiae and shutting out the rest of

He claims that Pence was very much aware of the so-called “quid pro quo” and that Pence’s originally scheduled trip to Ukraine to attend Zelenskiy’s inauguration in May 2019 was suddenly scrapped because Ukraine didn’t agree to investigate the Bidens.

On days I work from home I sleep in naturally until 6:45-7:00am and don’t need an alarm.

I got up at 6:00 am every day despite not needing to get out the door until 8:30 for work. I find the key is two fold the first is ya... getting the fork out of bed when your alarm goes off. Does not matter what you feel like get out of bed. As once you’re actually out of bed it becomes a lot easier. Further to this,

I get up at 4:30 AM every morning. I’m in bed at 9:30 PM every night, so it isn’t difficult at all. I usually wake up before my alarm.

This works so well. I’m very much not a morning person, and even after several weeks of waking up early, I still can (and do!) stay up very late unless I actively put myself to bed.