
Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad that you were able to test that theory and can move forward with your research! Crossing my fingers that the rest of it goes along without a hitch.

Duckling went to Colorado and met their long-distance girlfriend, and you guys THESE KIDS ARE TOO CUTE:

Weekly Achievement/Good Deed Thread!!! I’d like to open the WAT to some good deeds. I love hearing about the kindness others extend, so please let us know how you showed someone your heart.

I’m honestly not too surprised over Streisand’s comments. She, like my parents, probably believe that all rapists hide in dark alleys at night and strike at random and all pedophiles are complete strangers who wear trenchcoats and sniff bicycle seats. A sexual predator is never someone you know, but if it is, then

This x1 million. I went through the withdrawal last year and it suuuucked. I actually knew that it caused itchy-ness as a withdrawal symptom for a couple of years but just hadn’t been willing to go through the full withdrawal to get off it.

If you have a Sam’s Club around, the generic is something like $17 for 400 pills (in 2 bottles of 200 each).  Makes it harder to run out when you have over a year’s worth :)

I get the itchies and bumps from lots of stuff, is why I keep a bottle of otc corticosteroid ointment, aka Cortisone. And it seems that the aluminum in antiperspirants cause a rash of itching bumps to mysteriously appear w/in the day.

Interesting. I've definitely experienced this but chalked it up to some chemical getting into my laundry. However a combo of Zyrtec and nose spray is necessary this time of year for me. I hate trees :(

I absolutely suffer from withdraw when I go off of Zyrtec. I realized what was happening after an especially debilitating bout of itchiness and rash that came on while I was traveling on a plane for a baby shower.  I discovered tapering later, but believe that there should be a warning even on the over-the-counter

This answers so many things in my life. I’ve been on Zyrtec for nearly 20 years, way back when it was still prescription. I used to have to take 20mg/day (4 pills of the current OTC pills). Now I take it as a maintenance drug at night and will often forget. I occasionally will break out in severe itching bouts. I will

Shingles are the worst. Condolences.

Oh my god, shingles?!!?!? I’ve never had it but my mother’s boyfriend did and she said she’s never been more worried about him. He would just sit and sigh/moan in pain. He got it on his head and it was inching toward his eyes so they were very concerned.  Glad you got drugs too.  Which reminds me, it’s almost 12

Wonderful - congratulations to Mr. Wallflower! That is dedication and I’m hoping that this will bring increased benefits for him at his work. I love how you’re so happy & proud of him, too - I am willing to bet your support and pride helped him immensely on this journey!

Blerg! It is so annoying when basic body functions do not work as they should! I hope your cold goes away soon.

This is way more appropriate for me this week than the normal “accomplishment” thread that is often posted.

A woman not affiliated with my work place called because her mother is dying and she needed some help with practicalities. She kept apologizing too. I told her she had nothing to apologize for, with me she could feel all her feelings and it was a safe space. She started to cry, said it was the first time she had, and

I haven’t posted in a good long while because I haven’t had much to share.

So what boring and/or stupid things did everyone have to deal with this week? I had my first week of jury duty and it was something. Just a lot of procedural stuff that started with the jury being lead into the court room, a few things happening, then well, we have to discuss something outside of the presence of the

It’s time for the Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you done this week that is particularly amazing, big or small? Tell us about it so that we can marvel in your awesomeness!

My brother is even worse at keeping in touch with family than I am. He called me this morning and I got to talk to him for the first time in several years. yay!