
You’re wrong ... stand mixers are amazing. I make pulled pork/chicken with them, homemade whipped cream, cakes, sauces, lots of other things.

I am personally a fan of calorie budgeting and not calorie counting. It takes the same principal as this but it takes it to its next logical step. Namely you pre-input everything into your counter for the day in the morning and follow that budget for the rest of the day.

It works for a few reasons but the main one is

I’ve always enjoyed exercise(even though I have to be careful because of injury/disability), but I decided that I was going to work a lot harder and take the whole “trying to lose weight” business out of the equation. After spending the last few weeks focusing on building strength, I can now sometimes rise from seated

Wanted to drop in and tell everyone thank you. I’ve had a tough year-ish, and took a break from Jez while I floundered, but when I came back it was like walking into a hug. All of you are amazing. All of you deserve amazing things.

Hi Jezzies, so as most of you know it’s been a really crappy few years and money has been short, especially so the past few months. Someone must of been looking down on me because this week I came into some money, not a life changing amount but enough to give me breathing space. It came at the right time because a

I posted here a few weeks ago about how I had interviews coming up and I GOT MY DREAM JOB AHHHHHH!! I did not think the interview went well. But I am STOKED! I can’t really wrap my head around it all. On top of that, they are giving me more seniority that I expected and a nice bonus. I just. . . gah! This employer is

I will say a lot of people partake in bad habits when they don’t know they’re thirsty, especially wandering into the kitchen and snacking. Also, I’m one of those who will go all the way into dehydration before noticing I’m thirsty.

So many dumb dudes giving hot takes and Ariana being a undercover hater just like her bff Nicki. I am so fucking happy for Cardi. It feels amazing to see someone from your culture, and your borough win something that big. The album was truly a sensation. I’m also happy my country queen Kasey won! Woo. Year of the

I got my diagnosis in the Netherlands. There’s a strong Calvinist undercurrent to medicine here, and the psychiatrist did actually make an attempt to talk me out of taking medication. He didn’t try very hard though because he knew I was going to tell him where he could stuff it.

I find 72mg Concerta ( a staged release form of methelphenidate) does the trick and makes the rest of you far more tolerable. For those of you against using meds for this — piss off.

I can’t fucking make heads or tales of this comment. I’ve stared at it for like five minutes, and still no idea. Bravo! I’m not easily stumped.

Oh man when I worked at a movie theater I freakin’ loved kids like the one you were. It seriously made my day every time an adult would tell me their child was young enough to get in for free and said child would indignantly reply, “I am not two! I’m three and a half!”

However, usually things on the Kid’s menu they usually shouldn’t eat either. 

Ooh i remember that, not for restaurants (which are relatively low-dollar propositions), but for like theme parks or zoos or stuff where it’s like a 20 dollar difference? I have a specific memory of sitting in my mom’s car and her telling me to tell the ticket girl that I was 11. My skinny 14 yr old self would pass

Fuck you.

Hey look, everybody! The ghost of Mickey Rooney comments on the takeout!

I made this point, too. I know GB people have laminated cards they can carry to get kid’s menu items, but they (and people who have other problems or are recovering from an eating disorder) shouldn’t have to explain that to their server. 

There’s actually some math to the portion size calculation. If I’m not eating at an fancy restaurant, then I expect my $20 entree to be a bit larger than what I would make at home. Yes, I understand that the real cost of the restaurant is labor and atmosphere; however, I still think to myself “is this $20 worth of

There’s no way you’re going to win an argument with someone who convinced a teenager to not only dine out with their parents, but also order from the children’s menu. Let it go.