Walk It Down


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Buying Greenland is a good idea. The Denmarks won’t have it forever, that you can see from here. So it will either be Russia, the Chinese, or us. Why not us? We’ve spent our debt in much dumber and more fruitless ways.

Even adds the period for a fourth character... incomprehensible motivations. 

He looks like my grandmother. Isn’t it embarrassing that everyone on the left wears those thick black rimmed glasses? It’s such an obvious attempt at signaling “Hey, I’m in the smart people club too.” Even Rick Perry is in on it.

Which is why you’re still replying. Listen, Heywood. I want to make you happier but if this exchange isn’t doing it then I fear nothing will. Goodbye, but before I go know that I consider you a friend. Not one of my best friends but a friend nonetheless. Thank you, and now goodbye.

Yes I know that. But how did you just ignore that quote? It was the perfect response.

I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects.

I’m saying, and have said, that the word itself in its written use is contradictory. Its use is usually dismissive and that’s always distasteful but what really gets to people about this word “nah” is that nobody sees the contradiction of its written use. An extra character, very unnecessary. Even a quick typist like

Epstein died by suicide

Higher Ed is a business these days. They sell you an experience, not an education.

Jonah Hill is the only one I can think of, and he’s a famous movie star with garbage bags filled with skrilla.

Yes. And we really don’t have enough time to discuss this. Catering to left is not a good business model in 2019. It used to be, it no longer is. You mention advertisements. That is a long and complicated topic that I don’t really feel like hashing out with someone who has already called me racist. We won’t get

You know they’ve gone off the deep end when the New York Times isn’t a pure enough organ of the left to satisfy them.

observe advertisement

But the “meaning” of nah - the intent, really - to give off the flavor of not really caring, of being casual to the point of flippancy. Exerting any extra effort to achieve this flava is contradictory and ridiculous. It

In most cases no. But in the case where one of their students is acting up in a shooty way, yes.

It’s definitely my looks, but it’s also my fashion sense. So in a way you’re kinda right.

Teachers teach because they love their students and want to help young people become respectable, responsible adults. Right? I hope we can agree on that. If we do, we should also agree that this means that teachers genuinely care for their students. We trust them with the responsibility of their education, why should