Walk It Down

The way it works here is that since he says things they agree with, he is a “respected newsman”, a “neutral arbiter”, he “cuts through the BS”, etc. The idea that he might be biased like anyone else is unimaginable.

I hear professional trolls are considered quite chic in Russia, sexually desirable even. Food for thought.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Pets.com is an instructive analogue. When it went bankrupt, the only thing of value remaining was the Pets.com sock puppet mascot, which was licensed for use in ads. I believe the TomtatoFace brand will remain similarly viable after Gizmodo Group dies, but only if it’s properly curated now.

Your mom’s edgy and disgusting.

Man you really did it now. You can start a gymboree with the mental gymnastics of the replies you’re gonna get.

I just find it hilarious that both the Jews and the Muslims get so butthurt over Jerusalem.  Personally I’d stop trying to broker all these peace deals and just let them fight it out and nature take its course.


On this site, the # of angry replies to your post is a strong indicator that you are (a) correct, and (b) have hit a nerve.

They already have the gayest sports teams, so I guess that’s why the city allowed it.

I;m so gay for King Trump!!! That piss-blond hair and rolls of fat are sooooo sexy! Meow!!!!

Learn something every day...

They certainly are.

1. Shut the fuck up, Tomato