Walk It Down

Irony died with the hipster.

I have and none have stuck. I’m still trying to get out there and “talk” to people in real life but that has been quite a challenge. I am not what you would call a handsome man.

This is one of the oldest strawmen on the internet. I don’t really care to discuss it. What I would like to know is why you used “nah” instead of “no.” Any details here help. Thank you.

More or less. Some I delete entirely.

Robots are nice but the problem is they only help out the pilots. They should design robots that help out the passengers on planes. Nobody likes flying and it’s not fair that only the pilots are relieved of this huge inconvenience with this new technology.

This is... not the way.

Kimmy, surely you are not serious. The only posts I ever spend more than 3 or 4 minutes on max are my storytime posts where I tell a story. 

This works better on Twitter, Onemillionantsinmyeyesjohnson.

1) At some point if we ever want to evolve as humans we’ll have to stop using increasingly base and meaningless language. Things, all the things, all the ___, etc. Nah... why do people say nah? It’s ridiculous. An extra character to show how breezy one is, how much you don’t care. But you use the extra character to

I think we both know that I could make this place the biggest f*cking circus on the internet.

This network of sites won’t last through Trump’s second term without changing this. They provide articles on already-known news topics and very rarely have any insightful contribution into them. You can get everything here from any social network, except Kinja which is the crown jewel of this place and being totally

This is not edgy, it’s disgusting. 

Fox News is the other side of the same coin - except Tucker Carlson. They are blatant propagandists as well.

I’m an attorney as well, basically.

What qualifies this guy to opine on anything? Beyond his crisp newsman aesthetic, of course. And why is he so dedicated to supporting Democrats? Why is he so dedicated to opposing Trump and conservatives? Why is he so dedicated to his bias and why is he allowed to pretend he is objective? Does anyone actually believe

It’s already monitored and cataloged. Has been since 2012.

You said three things and you were wrong on every count. 0/3

The Amazon will be gone within two years if Bolsonaro keeps this up.

Wait... do you think I’m a Republican? I’m not. Regardless, reading is very time consuming and I’ve got stuff to write here in between other stuff to which I must attend. I read the articles when time permits. Thank you for your correspondence, information, and generally congenial attitude. Your plagiarism is hereby

Actually interested in this. What’s iFunny? Sounds lame.