
Exactly - the feeling I got at the end of DA:O, where you basically saw the impact of all your choices, was a truly incredible feeling. It seems like that will be the same case here. The game is just too gorgeous and too good to rush through, for fans of the series. It's a big time investment, sure, but it feels so

Eh, I disagree. You might as well say that Skyrim has a filler problem, or any Bethesda title.

I've been using the G930 for a few months, and it's an excellent headset - couldn't ask for better. Hell, I'm using it right now to listen to music while I work.

Welllllllllllll I missed it.

That shit sold out pretty fast.

Yeah, I'm keeping an eye out for another $40 - have a Slickdeals alert set up for it. I'll grab it once I find one of those. Grabbed the $30 1 year when I picked up a Vita last BF. Guess I got spoiled.

Mine expires in about two weeks - going to try and hold out till Xmas sales at this point, and keep crossing my fingers. If I see another $40 though, I'm nabbing it.

Nice. I'll have to see if I have a Best Buy near me.

I wonder why that is, when it happened last year? Can't blame folks for holding out, when that was the previous standard.

Still no PS Plus deals like last year's (or even a re-do of the $40 1 year sub, for those of us that missed it) - alas.

That's a good point! Thank you sir.

Dang, saves can be transferred to PC? That sounds like a first.

Now, just to get a 4k monitor...

That's a good question. I've never tried selling on Amazon before - it seems like a pain in the arse, honestly. Perhaps I will just go for the $36.95? It's more than Gamestop is offering for a trade-in.

Yeah, I might try to figure out how to sell stuff on Amazon, to get ~$50 for the game, and just sell it new. I'd probably rather play it with all the bells and whistles on at (hopefully) 60fps and the eventual option of mods.

I'm so deep into Dragon Age: Inquisition right now, I won't be touching anything for a few weeks at least. Thinking about selling it new on Amazon right now, and just waiting for PC. Admittedly, I've never been a huge GTA fan.

I am absolutely loving the fuck out of that game. I've been waiting for it for ages, and I wasn't disappointed. It's fantastic, minor (MINOR) quibbles aside.

Thinking about that, but also wondering if - since the game is still unopened - I can exchange it for full value somewhere. I'll need to see.

Yeah, kind of leaning toward this right now. Just got another GPU to crossfire too, so I'm thinking I should be able to handle it.

So, I picked up one of those new GTAV PS4 bundles, because it was a damn good price and I wanted The Last of Us. Thing is, I was planning on getting GTAV on PC when it comes out, because I've got a computer that could probably max the thing.