
That PowerPuff Girls tattoo got me.

Looks like Detroit still has a crack problem.

Well, that's one way to tailgate

This is absolutely disgusting.

And here I thought Browns fans were from Cleveland...

Or they just have easy to find information for a slow news day

go hug your mother right now.

I think they mistook Pikachu for another furry, red cheeked mascot.

Funny story: as a kid my mom was one of those people who thought that Pokemon was evil. She miraculously convinced me to destroy all of my original 151 originals (I suppose it's easy to convince a 10 year old that his Pokemon cards are a gateway to hell). The method of destruction was death by drowning while I took a

When you're shooting stuff in the face, it feels like playing a Halo for the first time.

Yeah - I've been hearing great things about Star Citizen. Now if FD would just refund my money, I'll give it to a company that (probably) doesn't suck.

I thought it was because of these little guys?

Yes, this is Gizmodo. A site who researches things, unlike you.

Um, the Pirate Bay is currently up...

In other words, they really, really want you to pre-order the game, and if you don't buy Final Fantasy Type-0 as soon as it comes out, you might never get to play FFXV before it launches in 2099.

The Holiday 2014 Profile Skin just broke the 1 million gems barrier.

The way I read it was pointing out how online dating services push users into conforming to particular "interests" and "hobbies" and whatnot so that their personalities can be matched with an algorithm that, sadly and ironically, sands away any parts of one's character that actually makes them unique. Showing video