
Print Screen.


I love you for this.

I'm a hoarder, so I only broke down duplicates (very well knowing I'll never use any of those backgrounds I'm hanging onto). And I'm glad you're digging it! But it seems ridiculous to me.

I 100% agree with everything said here.

Yeah, when I was looking at that reddit and seeing how someone was snatching up all the $0.03 items that broke down into 100 gems and it that had already been done by everyone else till they were gone 15 minutes later I was like yeah, not doing this.

I'm gonna go with both cunning and ridiculous.

3rd grade, here. I learned how to use a computer just so that I could learn how to install the shareware disc I'd gotten my hands on (because my parents took one look and said NOPE).

For those that have beta'd both (and for those of us that don't know the first thing about the space jockey genre), how does this compare to Star Citizen?

Urf. There goes my appetite forever.

Huh. I JUST realized that I've been confusing Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen all this time.

This is a valid point.

Just think of it as an MMO, without all the shitty aspects of an MMO: problem solved.

Nice! I'll check them out.

Eh, I haven't been impressed with the AC games since the ACII trilogy ended. I'd say Ubisoft is a far greater offender of filler content than DA:I - whether that's because of yearly titles, or something else.

Yeah, good point. Space Quest would have been a much better example. Ugh, I want a new Quest for Glory though. And Space Quest!

I mean, fair point, but they'd nail the humor and story/writing angle - and who knows, maybe there would be combat?

I can't help it, I love the arch-nemesis becomes ally trope. It is hard to reconcile certain slights (er, mass murders), but how great was it to see Magneto and Xavier put aside their differences in the last X-Men movie? If only because McKellan + Stewart = <3

Nice! I'm at about 60 hours right now, and I'm going to be putting a lot of time in this weekend. God, I love this game.