
What? What? What? My brain is all ashake!

Nice prelude to an impending Greg Howard exposé, no?

I wasn’t trying to be a dick. Just saying that she didn’t call a real estate agent and definitely didn’t listen to anyone for ten minutes.

While I agree that many women are complicit, there is a danger in turning the focus to them and perhaps not considering certain factors. For example, the 63 percent statistic. 63% of white women who voted did so for Roy Moore. Also, considering the weak laws preventing domestic abuse, also in 2014 a gun was used in

can we also get a list of women who enable these men? I’m looking at you Lena Dunham (and pretty much white women in general). After all Trump won because of 53% of white women and lets not forget 63% of white women who voted for Roy fucking Moore.

No. I am in the music industry. She told her manager she wanted to do this and her management team handled the outreach and then real estate agents made it happen. It’s nice, of course. But she sure as fuck didn’t go on a tour with this couple.

Both. On a rotating spit.

yesss! I don’t know why Biden keeps getting a pass.

Thank you Jez staff for this article and for bringing up Johnny Depp. When I to,d my story of being punched at work (in addition to being harassed), several male trolls asked me “are you saying that being punched is sexual harassment”? Clearly, men don’t get the full picture. For women at work, this whole thing is a

I think Thinkgeek has those bags on permanent clearance now. Last time I checked it was only $20.

You can wear it one day..every year.

I sit where my mama tells me and I don’t tell her who’s welcome at her house.

If Drama Llama persists, just email helpbox@kinja.com. Include a link to the offending comments and a link to his kinja profile. It amuses me that this crew practices the same shitty tactics that they are accusing you of.

Well yeah duh but that’s not fun at all

Katy Perry hasn’t done anything for me, but Margo Price made an album which perfectly encapsulated the shitshow that was 2016-2017. Plus she may have written a song that rhymes asshole and casserole. Call me when Taylor does that.

*standing ovation*

Well, other women feel that way, too, so you are not alone.