
I call to order the first meeting of the World Committee of Skinny Dudes. Our first order of business: Come up with a better name.

Anecdote only slightly on topic:

Gr8 user name

It’s hands down the freaking coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life on just a random day of the year, and I would maybe rather see the solstice alignment there than go to outer space.

It warms my cold Celtic heart to see this profiled here. It really is a spectacular event given that it was built so precisely thousands of years ago so as to allow the inner chamber to be flooded with sunlight on the solstice. I’ve been as a school kid but not during the solstice. Would LOVE to though. Hashtag older

When I was a kid (in the 70s) you could just drive up and park next to the field and walk into the mound. My mother grew up about 15 minutes/half-an-hour away from it and some of her family still lives nearby; so everytime I was in Ireland as a kid (twice a year or so) we went.
Now you have to go through a visitors’

Yeah, I can’t speak to the store level. Maybe it’s a completely different work atmosphere there - I hope it is! My comment was about what they put their employees through at the corporate level. Sounds down right sucky.

And as with the World Cup, Germans are better at it. XD

Interestingly, an Yves Saint Laurent perfume was called ‘Champagne’ - but had to change its name to ‘Yvresse’ - a play on the French word for drunkeness (ivresse).

Some vintners in California and elsewhere actually can produce and market champagne. Their trademark predates the ‘Champagne’ rule.

Where’s the Finger??

“Mad for” meaning “they love/adore/cherish her”.

That’s very true. I do think that liberals in general just don’t place that much weight on this specific issue though. There was a poll during the election that I’ve been trying to find that showed that for conservatives, the Supreme Court was one of their top priorities. It was more important than Obamacare repeal.

As an adopted person who has interacted with a large number of other adopted people... There are a lot of people who ended up with crappy adopted parents and feel the same way about adoption. It’s not really about the method with which your family was formed, it’s about your disappointment in the job your parents did.

Conservatives, especially religious ones, have always been better about recognizing the value of this than liberals are. I firmly believed that the death of Scalia and the vacancy on the court was a game changer for conservatives who might have blown off this election when Trump eked out a win.

Yeah, but aren’t you in England somewhere? Isn’t that, like, a thing? Of course even here people are a bit mad for Di and we actively broke away from that Empire...

To the people making a Diana musical:

I think what made it harder to believe is that Louis CK’s standup material wouldn’t lead you to believe he could harass women. I wasn’t a fan so maybe I’m wrong but it seemed as though the great draw was that he “got it” and that was his image for almost twenty years. Why would a fan just suddenly accept someone like

I really, really used to like C.K. and I tried to pretend the rumors about him weren’t true. That got a lot harder when Tig Notaro* called him out. When I saw the trailer for this movie I immediately thought “yup, he’s guilty as hell”.

“Making sure that distributor doesn’t face any financial loss because of Louie CK’s terrible actions.”