
She’s just trying to find the humor in a shitty situation.

Based on reading her tweets, I’d say she was being sarcastic.

She was clearly joking.

I have to agree that I am not shocked either. We were already hearing the beginnings of it with the likes of Woody Allen and Kevin Spacey. But it was largely background noise that only every slightly made major news. So when in 2017 it turned out to be far more pervasive, I wasn’t shocked or surprised. I was

Sure, I don’t condone bullying. But I’m also not going to research whether or not I agree with you that she’s bullying. Just not my concern, unless I come in contact with it in my travels on this blog.

Eyebrows and lashes can also thin with age. I have never plucked my eyebrows, just removed a few stray hairs between them. They are thinner now at 40 than they were when I was 25. Same with my lashes. Same thing happened to my sister and mom. My sister plucks and wears make-up, mom and I don’t. We get more hairs on

He’s in his early 60s and an avid Republican. He’s a jerk and I am glad he’ll be retiring soon.

Shoulder pads are making an appearance as well. Saw them all over at Bloomingdales.

I got an aggressive email from a co-worker after I wished him Happy Holidays last week about how it should be Merry Christmas. I left work instead of replying, “I’m an atheist, you ASSHOLE.”

I know. It’s a mission now, because I feel like a generation of women dropped the ball on us. They knew. They knew that they don’t grow back but yet not a single soul told me during the early aughts thin brow trend ‘DON’T DO IT THEY WON’T COME BACK AND YOU’LL BRUSH THEM ON FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE’

I’m an Old now, but it strikes me that some of these never went away...

I love me some lip gloss and I never gave it up. But hell no to low rise jeans. I’m not giving up my high waisted ones that actually look normal on my crazy long torso. Low rise jeans always tried to be pubic exposing and um, hard pass.

No they don’t. They don’t look good on anyone. Wear them if you want to, but they are not visually pleasing.

See, I love me a good lip balm for moisture, but I hate gloss and I will NOT go back. It’s sticky and I spend all my time wondering if it’s on my cheek after my hair got trapped in it...

Will forever pass on low rise jeans. They look good on no one.

Wow, Kim K looked more fashionable today in 2007 than she does in 2017, if that makes sense. She looks way more fun too...

yeah, I’m just not going to get involved in any of this. Overall I’ve had some great discussions here at Jezebel and that’s what I’ll continue to come here for.

Young dudes. Old dudes. All dicks.

Seriously who is surprised by this? Its boys who never really learned how to act around girls who get a teeny bit of “cool” and suddenly start pussy grabbing and talking filthy. These guys are more dangerous than frat boys with tequila shots because the frat boys have never pretended to be my “friend”.

But Greg’s such a great guy!