
I never really had an opinion about What’s her name. But “He made all of her dreams come true?” Hahahahhaaa. Now I get it.

I think I failed to address your question directly. I got off on a “What happened to feminism” tangent (which is related but not really the subject at hand).

Oops! So always 90 then?

I was so proud the day I learned how to open a seam, yank those bastards out, then stitch it up again.

It seemed to me that mine came back until a certain age. But I do think that plucking made them grow out all willy nilly:/

So, do you wear socks with the snockers or have we found a way to rock swamp foot and fungi?

So weird. When did 30 year olds turn into 90 year olds? :/

GOOD IDEA. We are all responsible for making this the place we want it to be. Make it good for YOU.

Hear! Hear!!

You are being heavily romanced. Good luck, S.

Very nice:)

I’ll be wearing a bullet-proof vest over a nice sports bra. Also dark sunglasses and a red lip.

Did you actually have one? We had to share with two other households. lol.

You are free to believe what you will, but a constant onslaught such as this is evidence enough of a very desperate and disturbed individual.

Again, I’m just very sorry that people who interact with me are getting dragged into this. Very sorry.

Every time you do this, I send the proper notifications. I don’t know what you are after, but abusing the site like this is not a good idea.

This commenter knows that I have contacted the appropriate parties, hence I don’t know why she is risking a ban by this constant flaming. The links will take you to quite a fantastical place.

This commenter is following me everywhere, has been since yesterday. H/She has some kind of agenda. I have notified the kinja techs, and others. Every story she tells gets more strange. I would check her post history and mine as well.

We too were all flummoxed and couldn’t imagine it being used for growing roses, lol. Maybe on New Years we will all find flaming brown bags on our stoops.

There have been several reports of people stealing baggies of pet feces from our neighborhood garbage bins.