
Hey. Happy Christmas!

I forgot to ask. How was the movie? I love del Toro.

Merry Christmas!!

It just sounds like getting old and being a woman to me:/

Agree on all points. In fact I slept till 1:30 this afternoon. It’s quiet, I’m in my PJs and hoping the phone doesn’t ring more than once. Yay!

All I would get from my sister would be a totally disinterested “Um, yeah?” So I really get you. Happy Solstice to you also. The days start getting longer today!

We got snow yesterday, but it’s only 12 degrees, so unfortunately all of the pretty can’t take away the fact that if I locked myself out of my house I would freeze to death.

Furniture is distressed now? When I think of all the stuff I got rid of 4 years ago...... I have to assume that just one piece of furniture gets to be distressed, at most. I want to see the Kardashians do this.

I just flat out can’t drink anymore, but I must admit that the craft beers do sound very good (and adventurous:). I can only imagine what getting stuck doing a kegel would entail, but it doesn’t sound good.

Thank you for that link!

I’m only interested in her when she shows her husband how the rest of us feel.

Yes, it’s a travesty. The newest crops of young nurses often terrify me. They often don’t listen, there communication skills are bad, if they make a mistake they blame it on the patient. And male doctors...In the past few years, not one of them even bothers to look at my “New Patient” info. before I see him. It’s

Thank you angry male for your contributions:

So do we get to watch her being carried around like a sofa instead of on one? Her dancers should just get a big fancy throne and wheel her around in it. I would remember that. Forever. Probably:/

I thought I read a few days ago that Britney Spears would be performing instead of Mariah, and although Brit has had some stage mishaps too, at least she has become a veteran performer. I was looking forward to it:(

That is very kind of you, Kate. She was a lovely woman. The child survived. I don’t know who is raising her, but I know that he parents were devoted to her.

This is all about a pop star. If you say she didn’t, then I won’t argue. Sorry, I’m being followed and harassed by a few commenters who seem to be trying very hard to get under my skin. Too bad- they are failing and probably having a miserable day.

I see that I am being followed and harassed. This is not a wise tactic. I have seen this commenter do this before. He trashes one person, who then presumably leaves the site. Apparently he requires drama and someone upon which to vent his very transparent rage, so he then chooses another commenter, devoting countless

I am most certainly not a troll. This other commenter is following me around, telling people that.. She has been trolling me all day.

Did I come across as a pro-lifer? I appreciate you passion on the subject, but you seem to be directing your anger at me.