
I get you. All of this just seems like more aggressive PR. Very aggressive. I confess to disliking her music. But all of the cookie-baking, tweet-sending and questionable feminism — I really don’t like to write this, but Tay is persona non grata, as far as I’m concerned. If she can rely on her fan’s love, she can

How is it that males continue to succeed in changing, altering, making others believe in the “narrative” of “I didn’t do it?” I can’t even trust men who claim to be “allies” any more. Men have raped us , sold us, and nary shed a tear after we die giving birth to their children. JC, One of my high school friends died

But I am not calling you a “dick.” I would never call you a name like that. I respect that you are in the Music Industry. I don’t know for certain how she handled this. If you have the facts I won’t say “no” even though I would ask for - well - proof that she did this or that. I did not mean to offend.

How are we in disagreement? Isn’t that what I suggested? That her team handled this? That she had no real relationship to the poor woman in question?

Casey Affleck - what a disaster. But his POS brother? Ben Affleck is the “UR” POS, No- Talent barnacle on Matt Damon’s back.. I have seen trailers for Downsizing. The two of them should just cozy up in an empty matchbook, stop pretending that they are attracted to women, and live in Gus Van Sant’s waistcoat pocket

Thanks Many. I am ON it.

Gombieber or Seljust are clearly meant to be. We all knew it, didn’t we? Imo, they were destined to fulfill what began as a starry eyed adolescent crush (read: serious-ass, delayed pelvic action) which will be blessed by “some religious guy.” This is just my personal take, but if they really do “make it forever,” they

Thank you.

Until recently, I didn’t even know this was a thing ( mostly because it isn’t being radically politicized, as far as I knew: also, I am not educated about it myself). I don’t know what pro-life advocates are saying. Damn. I didn’t even know this was possible. But now that I do, it is all very scary. I absolutely feel

Oh farcythe, you cannot possibly have issues. And it is a
big damn shame I don’t live near you, indeed. And not just for the lovely chocolate. Happy Christmas (or any other holiday), and a very Happy New Year:)

This is very good shipping, but didn’t she just call a real estate agent, listen for 10 minutes and say “My guy will be in touch with your guy?”

The Swift reports are wearing the F outta me. She says “Stephanie, you’ve been in my life for a long time.” She does Stephanie a solid. But by all accounts she didn’t really know Stephanie. I wouldn’t expect her to know Stephanie anymore than I would expect her to know me.

I have to say that Remy looks good, but I don’t get the chews either. I don’t know what is or isn’t random anymore, because there is just So much going on at once that I can’t keep up.

Oh Girl, I’d be happy for just the hot cocoa.

Oh thank you thank you thank you.

You have a rare courage, and I wish I had known of the accident before, but I have no fears for you. You will be better than ever.

Two spouses not a “family?” But you are “espoused.” Must you have offspring to qualify? This sounds like madness, but if the rates are good, then that is all that matters. Happy fitness getting:)

Resting or roasting?

I have to agree with him, even though I’m not a Christian. You don’t have to be a Christian to believe that there is another place where our better natures aren’t so frustrated by the often cruel contingencies of life here.