
Mmmm. I need to finally buy some cook ware.

Mmmm. I need to finally buy some cook ware.

Mmmm. I need to finally buy some cook ware.

Mmmm. I need to finally buy some cook ware.

Mmmm. I need to finally buy some cook ware.

Mmmm. I need to finally buy some cook ware.


Excellent point (and shirt). The “format” really shouldn’t matter. It it’s mildly tasteless, hopelessly goofy, or simply grotesque, it should qualify. After all, not everyone lives in a cold place at Christmas.

It sounds more like gastroenteritis to me:(

Don’t know if this helps, but I don’t really find that to be ugly. Maybe lower your standards:p And people are suckers for blinking lights:/

Lol, good sweater. But I suspect the aliens already know more about us than we do ourselves:/

Agree. I have stayed out of the shops entirely, and when I went to the post office at 8:30 a.m. yesterday THERE WAS NO LINE!

No offense, but I don’t like nana bread. Can you make pumpkin bread though (the absolute GREATEST ever purpose for pumpkins:)?

Ditto. Imo, the only time you should buy a garment that you will only wear one day and then probably replace is your wedding and your funeral.

They stole pieces off of your car?!!

Can’t the delivery person come to your door? I mean, what if something requires a signature? And, yes, your lobby needs a camera.

Best wishes for a good recovery, and take it easy. I love the shaved look!

How many servings? That’s a LOT of booze!

Yeah, I don’t need that stuff being all rich and taking up precious room in my belly for so many other things.

Ha! You are bad, bad, bad, Rude;)