
EmmPatt might make it. They’re both sort of like dry white toast. It could happen.


Heey. I thought you were married;)

I don’t understand why he would even get into the kayak without having a paddle first.

“Going to Hell?”

I was never served it either, but then we were a group of Americans there to study, so I think the kitchen made an effort to keep the menu as “Betty Crocker” as possible:(

Oh dear. That suit:(

Oooo! I’m squealing like a 12 year old:)

Damn. I feel like I just got caught gossiping;) You’re a good sport DfaSG, and I have ALWAYS adored your name :D

Released in 2016! That actually looks kind of interesting. Thanks!

Weeeell, maybe just a little;)

Must be, because we know what would be on that menu: KFC, Micky-Ds, pizza and a couple grams of cocaine: roughly 4 little lines.


He’s doing that owing to the shakes resulting from coke lines.

I like your theory. Plus, the letters are all squished together as though they are terrified and being held hostage.

I’m still marveling at the fact that he has to send Congress a card. Do they all have to do Secret Santa as well?

But no fruitcake? What are the holidays without a gustatory disaster roughly the size of a small dinner plate, but that weighs almost two stone?

“Scary” is another option:/

Hey! Nathan Bedford Forrest is Forrest Gump’s ancestral namesake!