
Excellent! You feeling better makes me feel better. (and I didn’t mean to suggest that you are being shat on by the universe. I love the way you take life one day at a time:)

I’m chuckling. Thanks:)

What!! He isn’t a man? This news is strangely disorienting:/

Now I’m curious. Are you referring to a particular movie, because I can’t stand the man. But Apocalypto is amazing if only by its success at nearly pure visual storytelling. Can’t stand the “kilt” movie, tho.

*embarrassed* I don’t get it:/

You’re having kind of a bad month, Furlock. I hope some good karma kicks in for you in the new year.

WTF? That is both surreal and oddly poetic.

Kinda surprised you mentioned that, because I feel the same. When I say it out loud, though, women look at me funny. My “Nope” about all finger nail related decor makes me appear all judgey, apparently

This photo is great, but it is making me seasick. Are they on a boat?;)

Yes. I did also. This is very strange. It was just for a fleeting moment, and came out of nowhere. I mean Fergie was a real character: very gregarious and outgoing. Meghan doesn’t seem that way. I don’t want to spoil people’s fun by saying “I don’t think any of this is going to end well,” But there it is.:/

I like yours better.

Damn, that was close. I was convinced that the solstice was on the 22cd (it will be 44 degrees). But it’s really tomorrow. Woo Hoo!! 51 degrees and a fir tree out front. I’ll be dancin’ naked round ya after all!

That extreme close-up of Meghan............... I suddenly got Fergie vibes and a cold shiver!! Please, nooooo.

Well now. I can’t even imagine that! And no one says anything. But I have to admit that I’m very curious about what you know. This whole town thrives on a combination of Secrecy/Gossip. So... what’s REALLY going on upstairs?

This is interesting. Over the years, I have off and on considered Aldis as a part time gig, but I have had to face the fact that I have too slight a build to lift the required weight (I thought I was strong!! * sigh*). The cashiers are so very friendly, especially if I’m friendly first. I ask them if they like their

Please tell us more, because I’m too busy to “Google.” I know that wine makers in the States have ways of getting around this, but I figured it was a matter of “small print” and marketing.

I would love that too. But his 10 years-ago pics might the way too cute/ embarrassing type, so let’s give it five more years;)

Great story (AND beginnings) Madeleine. Also, Best Pic, imo.

Sorry. I wasn’t confused about your comment, but the one to which you were replying........ “some form of collective madness.” I have lived in England and in the States. I arrived there as a teen shortly after her wedding, but I don’t think I would characterize her ongoing popularity as “madness.” She was so much more

I don’t understand the negative attitude there. I can’t personally find any reason to hate or even dislike her. She did the best with what she was given. Better even. Strange.