

Oh shit. I was very late to Kelly Clarkson super fandom, and I went all in.

COTD. Congrats!

Eew. Thanks for that reminder. Teen boys did this even before there were “snaps.”

I doubt she would have noticed anything.

“I think we should have had the choice to send our child to school or keep them home” said a mother from the news video.

At best this an only be OPERA. Not a musical. Just NO.


My thought exactly! There’s so much you can do with it: Kat, Kate. Katy.

Welcome Ms. Beck. It’s good to know that we are in capable hands again. I can’t speak for others, but I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.

Will do! And thanks again:)

It’s awful.

Thank you, MR. Falcon. That doesn’t sound too bad. I can deal with a little run-of-the-mill Hollywood “ick.” It’s the up-close & personal wedded to the CGI effects that require hands in front of my eyes. I will check out our video rental tonight:)

I vote no for the sketch next to Ms. Markle’s face: It’s just too......Tim Burton:/

When I started watching this show my expectations were already pretty low, but even after the third ep.... I had to give it a pass. It’s a mess. But what bothers me most is that these kids come from such privileged backgrounds.

Thanks, Mr.Falcon. You addressed most of my qualms - especially the non-violence. Violence in movies seems to be more prevalent than ever ( did you see Joe? Oh lord......)

What can I say? I’m sold! Now if only the video rental place has it:)

You’re the second person to endorse this movie, so Ok, I’ll do it! But I’m stopping at eleven (or WILL I?:)

Do I Hafta? I mean, do I have to watch it to understand the new flick? I just have this thing about Clooney and Pitt - a thing like hives. But if watching it will make this movie more enjoyable, I’ll risk it.

I was reading too fast and thought you said “suitcase face.” But, yeah, that works: