
I think they really do. Then, when they lose, they can blame activist judges and the liberal media or whatever, and continue to pull in support and re-election funding to fight the non-existent ‘War on Christianity’. It’s job security.

If I were on that court I would feel personally insulted at being made to listen to a bunch of B.S. and I would penalize her for wasting my valuable time.

Ridiculous. I can’t believe the courts have to spend time and resources on this bullshit.

WOOOO! Good news for my home state! After a few weeks of Trump-loving face-eating, a confederacy activist almost being named to a diversity panel, and a sweet lady being accidentally shot by local police, I am so freakin’ happy to hear some positive news - with solid implications for future direction - for good ole

In response, Gov. Scott made this face in dismay:

Well, at least someone out there is trying to base laws on LOGIC and REASON rather than what their invisible sky friend whispered to them via burnt toast.

I fervently hope so.

Is The Slot going to survive the Univision purchase? I hadn’t heard it mentioned specifically so I was nervous.

A real dickhead....I’ll see myself out.

It’s a sop to the mouth-breathing fundy rubes. They know that shit won’t stand, but they need to soak the cousin-fuckers for all the green they can while they can.

The Slot has regular features on down-ballot candidates, and the commenters there always beat that drum. Join us!

...Third, it changes the definition of pregnancy trimesters “using terms that have no medical meaning and that leave physicians unable to determine when each trimester begins and ends,” the lawsuit says.

So Florida isn’t going to commit resources to fight the ruling.

OK, but how many years has it been since Nick Denton has seen Suri?

I for one welcome our new Univision overlords and would like to remind them that with my passing knowledge of a little bit of high school Spanish I could be instrumental in recruiting other commenters to work in their sugar mines. `

You are a true artist.

Why wouldn’t it be.

This saga is LIFE.

When he says “do you know that?”...is it just ultra condescending and cringe worthy? or is that just me...