
cool cool cool. you know trump is appointing billionaires to his cabinet right? for someone who loved to bash Hillary over her wall street “connections”, he sure loves dudes who worked at goldman sachs.

This is happening all over America right now. Some of my friends still believe in the better nature of people and I want to scream at the top of lungs that we are way past that point. People are going to die because “he” has let hate and violence towards brown and black people become acceptable again.

That is going to prevent Pence and Ryan from federally funding conversion therapy.

Rigght!! Trump hasn’t worked a day in his life and governing means work. Why is there an expectation that he would suddenly stand up for civil rights if it means he has to be focused for more than 2 minutes?

People are legitimately fearful for their lives. If you don’t see that you are unfairly benefitting from our oppression.

Say that to black people with a straight face.

A child of a friend of mine was attacked in school this week because cheeto hitler has normalized his shitty behavior for the rest of America. We are not over blowing this.

Oh I feel you, I’ve stopped talking to libertarian leaning friends WHO WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT AND RECEIVE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE. It is mind boggling. I would rather have a bigot who thinks I’m inferior because of my birth then a libertarian who thinks I’m inferior because of my wealth.

Sure, what about his essay from the seventies about women enjoying gang rape? What about the campaign paying his wife close to $100,000 for appearances?  All I had to do was google Sanders+scandals. I don’t care and this is non-information for me personally. Just imagine what would happen if the alt-right took him

It would have been next to impossible to hang any scandals on him

I live in the *penis* of the USofA, so there was never any hope to begin with.

Mr. Tonight and I attended a premiere of a play this past week and we were 2 of 3 attendees not in jeans. I yearn to live somewhere that isn’t perpetually dressed for Golden Corral.

KARA! Can we have a special Rob Kardashian edition please???

I don’t have any friends either Kim K.


He seems, delusional.

Yo! Shonda! That’s whats up.