
I’m trying to figure out where Shambooo falls on this scale:

I have no Florida snark today. I live about 15 minutes from the airport and am flying out of there next Saturday. My niece was just leaving the airport grounds when this happened. I am still shaking a little at how close, how close.

Take 100% of guns away from men and give them to women. Then see what happens.

He’s a terrible planner! Sad!

He’d better hurry up. He’s running out of time!

If they say their first pick was Warren, they are lying. Because Warren remained neutral through the primary and came out in support of Clinton once the voters had decided.

They just cite Elizabeth Warren and Jill Stein to convince themselves and whoever’s listening that their Hillary Derangement Syndrome isn’t just sexism. They like the idea of a female president right up until one actually stands a chance of winning.

Politico had several articles on it where Wall St bankers specifically said that she wouldn’t regulate them.

“However, it seemed A LOT of people simply resorted to calling any critic of Obama a racist, instead of actually having a fucking conversation...”

I think a lot of these people think that now that Trump has been elected that they’ll never have to hear about anyone who isn’t a white guy again. Gay marriage is over and women in positions of power will just step down so white guys can take their places. They don’t understand that shit isn’t going to happen. They

I agree its stupid, but what is really going on here is that these people are making up bullshit reasons for voting. The reality is that there were lots of single issue voters this year. The issue? “Blow up the establishment” Now, Sanders seemed like a nice sane guy that would ‘stick it to the man’ but he didn’t

“I don’t want to eat brussels sprouts, so I’m gonna have a razor blade, broken glass, and acid milkshake instead.”

Let’s look at this as a spectrum.

A lot of times the reasons people brush off accusations racism/sexism/whatever is because people don’t think they could be racist or sexist or whatever, and refuse to even entertain the possibility - it’s a lack of self-reflection, not a lack of actual validity in the accusation.

This is something similar to what my mother said: she said she would’ve voted for Bernie but chose Trump instead. HUH??

Amen. Anyone who thought Warren or Sanders where their first pick, and Trump came second, doesn’t give a flying fuck about a single thing Warren or Sanders actually believe or want to achieve in goverment. They just don’t want to admit now they were utterly uninformed and lazy as fuck, and their vote had nothing at

Political correctness is just the siren song of people who dream of a world where they can be openly racist and bigoted and not criticized for it. Basically a “safe space” for their racism and bigotry. Ultra liberal SJWs are just as obnoxious as these people. I’m probably focusing on the wrong stuff but this always

Its the most amazing nonsense I have ever read. I don’t even hate the 3rd party voters that went for Stein as much as the idiots that voted for someone that was the direct opposite of what they stand for.

This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.