This exchange led me down a rabbithole which brought this (I will probably always think of it when I see him now):
This exchange led me down a rabbithole which brought this (I will probably always think of it when I see him now):
“I started wigs, and now everyone is wearing wigs. Kim [Kardashian] just used my wig guy last night...I just do whatever I want to do, and people will follow.”
Hasidic Jewish women
Ah... to be an ignorant teen again
I’m probably close, maybe 2-3. (doing my own, though)
God I wish my job was to look bored and fabulous. Instead I often look bored and haggard for free.
from the styling choices, 2001-era Shakira waits in a car while Coolio gets robbed by a girl group in an abandoned motel?
Like, Literally... What did I just watch?
He seems, delusional.
“This Is For My Girls” takes on an insurgent double meaning when FLOTUS drops it: a benefit song for her homegirls,…
I really don't understand what "normcore" means. I've had many kids try to explain it to me. I think I'm too old. As for Kasich, ugggh. Did you see Sam Bee's takedown of his "moderate folksy" persona? He's not a blustering egotist like Trump nor a frightening anti-government religious fundamentalist like Cruz. But…
As a liberal Ohioan, this is difficult for me. On one hand, holy shit, how is this guy considered “moderate?” Trust me, he’s not even remotely moderate. On the other hand, aw, he’s just so happy. Those pictures of him in the tornado of confetti were honestly darling.
Watch him give a fumbled high-five to an intern.
And the crowd goes wild
I get the gist of the point being made, but it’s a show that milks pretty much every single other action or thing that happens for about all of that can be milked out of it as far as drama goes. It would be pretty un-Scandal like if he didn’t.
Jenji Kohan is like that too, unfortunately. But lord, at least none of either of their shows is LOST.
Yo! Shonda! That’s whats up.
See the scary-looking image on top of the new article published on the website of libertarian politician Ron Paul?…