McCann't Have Fun

Sparano’s texts have a ‘How can I be noncommittal yet not have him murder me in my sleep’ tone.

Gotta give him credit though, he destroyed his legacy in under 30 minutes.

The pizza dominoes quickly started to fall:

Can’t get in trouble if you are adding -er, -y or -s to a last name.

See it’s okay because I’m also physically repulsive.”

I’m really struggling with the idea that a wealthy middle aged white guy would say something racist. I’m not saying this is all bullshit, but I WILL say that all lives should matter, you know?

Chef: MY MOM

Do NOT let Matthew Broderick drive.

I legitimately did not know that calling a blog on the telephone was actually possible (much less something that people do).

It’s like my dad always says, [three minute voicemail of car noises and AM radio, muffled by his pocket].

He’s going to take me through my uncles facebook page?

My best friend and I dressed up as Burt and Ernie for halloween about 8 years ago. Went out and got pretty hammered at the bars, and then I see down the street, Cookie Monster, just standing there. Well I thought it was a good idea to jump on his back, we both fell to the ground, and that’s when I feel a shot to the

It must be such a relief for all those lifelong Las Vegas Knights fans to dunk on all the haters and doubters. God knows they’ve had to endure so much!

Kellys ranked:

“and yet Ingraham goes straight for an attack on his “un-grammatical” and “barely intelligible” words”

No matter how much of this is propaganda, I can guarantee it’s better than this:

To your latter point; one could argue that he’s helping out a victim of child abuse

Ice Fishing is the “Drinking Rubbing Alcohol” stage of fishing junkies trying to get their fix.