Christ, ew. That explains what I have been seeing lately as a trend here, less news and more "here's some information about Game X's class perks that we found on reddit and rewrote to post here" content.
Christ, ew. That explains what I have been seeing lately as a trend here, less news and more "here's some information about Game X's class perks that we found on reddit and rewrote to post here" content.
reminder that this website sucks:
Write up a guide for watching each episode.
How does someone get so famous with such an awful fucking sociopathic fake smile?
My god... I hate this guy’s face so much.
Can I pay someone to stop putting this guys face in the thumbnails? I no longer wish to look at dead things.
I think I took the same UO to SWG path as you. When I played UO there were magic weapons, but they were so rare that your only hope of getting a good one was to grind for tons of gold and buy them from one of the player-run shops that littered the world. I remember when you saved up enough gold you would eather talk…
It’s no longer about giving us quality games. It’s about turning console games into app games with in game purchases. Look, I’m not a competitive gamer. I don’t play Fortnite, Apex and COD players to prove I’m the best player. At that point it becomes a sport. I hate sports! I like to go on single player action/adventu…
Dude, yes. I’m 36 and also have fond memories of UO in the early days. Beyond what you said, online communities at the time were pretty rare/non-existant in the way we think about them today. So if a “secret” was discovered it wasn’t immediately everywhere the next day (or within a few hours). Most of the things I…
Vibes; the word you are looking for is vibes.
If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest…
Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money. Fuck this guy.
A good store manager would trespass this clown instead of allowing him to harass their employees.
Totally agree. I’ve only played 1 PS5 game which was a new release and not an upgrade from the PS4 version I already owned.
Man, my PS5 still feels like a newish addition to my console collection. I have no desire for an upgrade. It doesn't even feel like games are pushing it to its limits yet.
I can only speak for myself I guess but I feel like if the first 98% of a remake goes as expected and the last 2% goes off the rails, that 2% is what’s going to really stick with me.
It’s like people skipped the entire last three hours of the game. It baffles me that anyone who played remake missed the fact that this is NOT just a retelling of the original story.
Wayyyy too much credit was given to XIII. That was the only FF game which I got frustrated, quit, and threw the game away out of spite.