Exactly. We have a tendency to exalt individuals, but in probably 90% or more of cases, the things we respect them for were created not as a result of a singular vision, but through a collaborative process involving an entire team of people. (That goes double when we’re talking the medium of videogames, really, where…
I’ll take “ Missing the Joke “ for 200.
Way to misinterpret the message of the video (there is no ethical consumption in a capitalism society) while also dismissing the sexual and physical abusers Dunkey highlighted in said video.
You’re not playing Wordle if you’re not playing on Hard Mode.
The presumption in this country is innocence.
i mean you’re right but it is also a grind so i thought that description was funny
His reaction is just having seen it 10 minutes before, preparing his reaction, and then reacting even harder than that to make sure every rational person on Earth wants to do him grievous injury.
Does Nintendo realize that shovelware crap like this keeps me from even looking at the eShop because I have no desire to do their job of curating the quality from the crap?
The whole community? Everybody? Or just a few without a sense of self-deprecating humor?
Fans have been waiting for a true successor to Final Fantasy Tactics since 1997.
It’s completely generic, which really is all it needs to be.
The more I hear pratt Mario the more it's working for me.
The cynic in me can’t see this as anything else than just a publicity stunt, a how do you, fellow gamers.
They should probably just keep her out and think about a rework. The loss of the ability to freeze people really made her kinda lame. Like the wall is fine. The slow is... okay? I dunno. Feels like a real hamstring.
Splash would have been Fry’s favorite movie.
Disney executives: why couldn’t she have been the other kind of mermaid, with the fish part at the top and the lady part at the bottom??
That was one of the best games reviews ever, print or video.
I worked for McDonalds for 7 years as a store manager, yeah; its absolute garbage pay for a garbage job. 10/1 beef only takes fucking 13 seconds to cook, and you literally throw buns in a toaster, squirt ketchup, mustard, fake onions, a pickle, maybe some cheese, wrap it and send it to the front.
It ain’t fucking…
It’s their damn job to serve fast food and most of them are getting at least $16 an hour to do it. Cry more.