
Ironic considering Overwatch began life as an MMO

You’ve always done the auction? Awesome! A lot of people don’t. Don’t take my word for it, there was an entire social media meltdown a while ago about it: https://www.businessinsider.com/monopoly-auction-rule-changes-game-2017-11 

I always have to ask - when people talk about Monopoly “taking forever”, have you actually played correctly or are you talking about playing the way most people play, which is wrong and drags the game out forever?

I can’t wait until we can stop hearing about this guy and stop seeing his face everywhere. Based on his facial expression in everything I’ve seen him in, I’m not convinced he’s not a hostage and his videos don’t hold a secret message begging us to free him from his torture.

I think with gay/trans characters, the issue becomes it’s very hard to bring it up (at all) naturally in a way that won’t get you criticized. If you just sprinkle some clues here and there in the background (posters on a wall, references to a “partner”, etc) then people will claim gaybaiting or superficial inclusion.

Unless I’m misreading this, WB said, paraphrasing:

Yes! And thank you for reading my book on the subject lol.

I’m the over 35 guy this article is talking about! Nostalgia me, please!

Yes I think most of us got that, but “____ is giving ____” is not the headline. It just stops at “giving” like it forgot a

Agreed, but to be fair they’re not saying “The PS5 is end-of-life” they’re saying “in the future sales will start to slow down”. The title and article are sensationalizing it a bit.

If that happens you know they’re going to not show who dies immediately, and zoom in on Aerith’s :-O shocked face implying it was her, only to zoom out and have her be reacting to Cloud’s impalement instead.

Personally I liked the order of this EXCEPT your number one pick. I think Origins was bland. It should be admired for what it did to the series, but I thought Odyssey and Valhalla blew it out of the water, and just built on top of it.

They should probably rename “cinematics” then eh?

I think they’re saying everything in here is explained in the game itself, so it’s redundant if you play the game and useless if you don’t. Usually these articles are “things I wish I knew” and cover things the game doesn’t tell you.

What in the heck does “these characters are our special meow meows” mean and why is it included in the article?

Gotta be a tough review to write if we can’t talk about how the game actually works for fear of “spoilers”.

Was mostly put-off on how she called FF fans dweebs in an article about an FF game.

I am so into this idea. The execution? Ehhhh we’ll see. The screens look right up my alley but the idea of “energy” and “FTP” and “mobile” put me right off games.

Yeah, that was my first thought too. “Thank god I was up playing video games during that giant explosion” is a weird take.
