
We thought our kid was a bit of a picky eater, turns out he’s allergic to like 50 foods.

Not sure why everyone is mocking this trailer, it’s a trailer and it explains the situation pretty clearly (modern day girl trapped in a fantasy world unexpectedly). Maybe people think this is like a pure Skyrim-style fantasy world where people talk like this and misunderstand the trailer?

I loved it. The idea that any nameless enemy could get promoted, get a name, and get randomly generated “special” attributes is awesome. The idea that you can see the enemy ranks, and they all have their own internal beef and desires is really cool.

How the heck do you beat Valhalla without doing the Asgard arc? Weren’t you mega-confused about some things?

At the time I didn’t put two and two together in time. It was a 9-month medication regimen, and that was a couple years ago. It just seriously messed up my body and hormones. What ended up happening was after two months I stopped eating low-carb (apparently, according to my endocrinologist, it was something about the

Doctor’s need to see this list too apparently. I was fat, and lost a lot of weight, all the way from morbidly obese (250 pounds) to the high end of a healthy weight for me. I was super excited.

As a comic book fan, but not a Batman die-hard, I don’t care about any of these characters specifically. For me, they don’t carry my interest without Batman. I feel this way about most of the “X Family” type casts. Like, Spider-Man characters without Spider-Man even tangentially around/in it. No thanks. Same with

I think this answer is more pedantic than the one you replied to lol

In the article they used the gamey-gamegame thing to not describe the shooting part but the collection aspects that predate the shooting part.

This, and also if this applies to NPC sims as well I expect there will be some upset people who now can’t “woo” their favorite NPCs.

I mean Gamepass costs more than Xbox Live or whatever right? 

RDR is interesting too because they already have updated models of some of the main characters, and many of the environments. RDR1 on the RDR2 engine with all the QoL changes and gameplay updates? SOLD!

You can control your party in Portable. It’s just off by default.

I think the article should focus harder on the “inappropriate conduct with women” part and less on the “watched a VR pillowfight” part. 

I have to assume that in this game the cat will simply decide not to respond to controller input occasionally and maybe take a nap or get distracted by a string.

Don’t you literally have to find resource nodes (even food) in Humankind?

Agreed. In the debate about guns vs children’s lives, they’re siding with the guns. No way they haven’t templatized a response.

Good. There’s so much vague pro-NFT information out there. I’ve seen multiple family members thinking it’s some get-rich-quick scheme and people need to know that it isn’t that at all. 

When we were kids I remember it being a joke that when some people were asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” they answered “Famous”. And the response was always “Famous for what? You need to do something to get famous for it. Movie star? Author? Scientist?”

What does any of that have to do with using their product?