
That is thicker than Apple Watches, which are 10.7mm thick.

I’m confused, why does leasing an office space mean you stop buying their products?

I have low T. Largely also unexplained, but most likely caused by unconfirmed Cushing’s Disease, itself caused by a weird combo of keto diet + an antifungal medication. That’s our “best guess”, problem was I had to go to several doctors to believe me that something was wrong. The first symptom I got was I gained 55

The “shared metaverse” for work already exists, albeit not in VR form. We’ve played with them at work and they’re honestly novelties. No one I’ve worked with in the tech sector wants it.

Actually no I had no idea, I had seen some prototype mockups on reddit but 99% sure they were just renderings and mostly AR-driven (like place a card of a dragon on the table and people with Google Glass or whatever can “see” an animated dragon).

He was already problematic before shilling for corporations - remember that god awful video he made equating sexuality to ice cream flavors and saying vanilla is boring and people should choose a different flavor? You know, because sexuality is totally a choice, and heterosexuality means you’re boring and dull?

This Metaverse thing is dumb. They’ve existed almost since the internet has existed in some way shape or form. I like it for gaming (VR!) and some other things like virtual tabletop games (D&D with interactive tokens in VR would be rad - animated dragon tokens on a living breathing “map” and seeing your other players

Whoa what? We have very different experiences. I’m typically in the game in ~15-20 seconds from cold boot and fast travel is maybe... 3 seconds tops? And that’s with clues enabled, so half the time I’m thinking wow this is taking more than a few seconds, oh wait, I have to click X now.

I’ve had grocery store workers ask me if I want to replace ground beef that I was planning to use that same night because there was a small “brown” spot on the beef. He said it had “gone rotten”. It was perfectly fine meat.

He feels sorry for people who want him to finish the thing that made him both famous and rich? For enabling him to do all his side projects he’s working on now?

Yes! With a 1 year old, a partner, and a seemingly constant stream of repairmen and contractors in my house, I can’t play any games that can’t be paused. Horizon Forbidden West is so so so good for this because it can be paused at any point which is awesome.

That was in context of salaries, which is true! And makes sense, especially since many people in tech have to get advanced degrees, which costs money and time.

It makes sense in a predator/prey scenario though, where a predator stays still when they know someone is watching. But as a mechanism I agree, it makes no sense. Maybe the creatures are just hyper perceptive and seeing you isn’t causing them to freeze, but they’re aware of you seeing them quicker than you are and

No one except you used the word awful. No one except you is claiming no one cares about poor working conditions in other fields. No one except you is claiming this is something people “slaved away” to get. No one except you is arguing “it’s harder” as a justification for poor working conditions in other fields.

Isn’t that a 3-day work week?

I don’t even think it looks half-baked, just stylistically different.

Mmm, that kinda depends though. You say we overrepresent antivaxxers, but let’s look at some numbers. Michigan, a state in the US, currently has a vaccination rate of 64.4%. So it’s fair to say “there’s a lot” of people who aren’t taking the vaccine. You can even factor out kids under 5 and it’s similar. In Michigan,

This might be unpopular, and I haven’t played WoW in some time, but I miss the days when Horde/Alliance felt different from each other. Weren’t there entire classes locked to each side? I think Druid for Alliance and Warlock for Horde? I believe some loot was locked to each side as well?

You say the game doesn’t teach you to cancel throws, but it literally does teach you that in the tutorials. Maybe you accidentally skipped that popup?

Have to agree with others here, Persona 3 is good, but not better than 4 or 5. The game design and quality of life changes just aren’t there. Going from 5 to 3, or even 5 to 4, is painful to do. You go from awesome custom dungeons to “randomly generated floors”. Like imagine if Mementos was all you got from the game