
Neither IMO. It’s more like Dragon Age: Origins or older RPGs. It’s not turn based, but you can pause in order to queue up actions.

I agree. What I think might be different in this situation is they aren’t “just being”. As soon as they turn on the webcam and start streaming they’re now entertainers.

I tried to handle this in my recent campaign (I am DMing).

Players in my group are constantly trying to seduce people (for information, for fun, whatever). It’s funny though because they like the attempt, the chase, but then I’m like okay you seduced her now what do you say, and they get all uncomfortable and try to just leave the room (in-game). We’re all in our 30s btw.

Ohh that’s a great idea! For the record, the PLAYER is onboard with a rehabilitation of the character back to a neutral position instead of evil. We worked together a little on it, as I hate making players do stuff against their will, nor should I do that.

My dog is a weirdo. He’s a short-hair mix (we think he’s a Pointer-Collie or a Border Point, Border Collie/Pointer mix), to the point parts of his belly and armpits are so thinly furred you can see his skin.

I noticed that too. She says she’s average, then says her legitimacy at the competition being questioned COULD be because she’s a woman? I don’t get it.

One of my clerics went nuts and became evil. I stripped him of his class. Then I invented a new class (based on existing homebrew) where he basically gets to serve as the Death God’s Avatar on earth with all these cool abilities. The abilities are, in truth, just evil cleric abilities with some fun Death God

Honestly, Rebels is the “new trilogy” kind of feel I wanted, and instead I got this.

I disagree with a lot of this.

I would like to know the translation differences but don’t want to watch a video to do it. So I agree with the OP that this feels click-baity to get me to watch a video.

I bought into the Nier hype and was extremely disappointed. What I got was a pretty bland-and-bleak shoot-em-up bullet hell game. I played around 12 hours and stopped because it was sooo booooring. Also, just in case you get it, the tutorial area is hard, 2+ hours long, and you cannot save until after the first boss,

I’ve had it since launch and it works great for me. It’s rare that it doesn’t work the first time, and then it almost always works the second time it scans. I think I’ve had to use my pin maybe 3 times and it was usually when the camera was obscured.

I do. I used it a lot at first. Ni No Kuni is on there, and a bunch of other games I’ve wanted to play on PS3. There’s a free trial you can check out. It works decently enough, too.

I’m often one of the FIRST people to roll my eyes at what feels like “forced inclusion”. Marvel Comics gets this eye-roll from me a lot lately (killing off white males to replace them with minorities and females? Feels bad.)

It’s on PSNow.

As Mei, I would regularly icicle Widowmakers and that was just so fun.

Persona 4 and 5!

I’ve been keto for over a year. My girlfriend and I each lost 50-60 pounds in this time, without exercise or calorie counting. Just eating low carb / high fat. Got into a rhythm.

You are mostly right, yes. You pay for chances. That said, you also earn gold in loot boxes, or from duplicates, and that gold can be used to directly purchase the cosmetic item you wanted. Higher rarity is more costly. It used to be you couldn’t buy seasonal skins, but that changed.