
“or else grind through multiple matches”

On the one hand I understand, agree with, and champion the removal of loot boxes most of the time. They’re kind of ridiculous, and turn me off playing games.

I hope in the Japanese version of the game there’s a scene where one of the Japanese soldiers stops and says “Are we the baddies?”

I thought I would too. So far I don’t. Only “gotcha” was closing full-screen apps like games. I was confused for a while. There’s a small bar at the bottom of the screen showing where to swipe to close. I somehow missed it entirely.

PUBG needs serious competition, that’s why I’m happy about Fortnite.

It actually gets less jokey as you go on, believe it or not. Some critics mentioned that the latest episode was “mostly story, very little comedy”. If you only watched the first 2 episodes, then I understand why you think that. Episode 3 is a VERY classic TNG-style courtroom drama about the rights of gender, for

The first few screenshots I was like, I guess I kinda see what they mean, but it’s a weak case.

I’ve played both a lot. I like both, but i’m glad Fortnite exists. PUBG has been standing still for a long time now. Focusing on microtransactions seems greedy. They frankly needed a kick in the pants and some healthy competition.

When I first land, I don’t bother closing anything. I also don’t land exactly at my intended destination. I leave doors open while frantically looking for a gun - any gun.

“ Also, I think there’re only few characters that come from Asia compare[d] to [other] region[s]”

I learned to cook years and years ago during a period of unemployment. It’s weird. I get that people say thermometers are important, but I never use them. I don’t cook pork, but I do cook chicken and beef all the time. Steaks, tips, and just chicken breast. I’ve never poisoned anyone. I think a lot of these fears are

I am allergic to eggs. I’ve learned to cook for myself to avoid annoying issues, but one thing I struggle with is: how do I know what egg replacements I can use in which circumstances?

That’s actually not true, it was not intended as a twist. Kevin Feige has said so. She’s not supposed to replace Mary Jane, they just tossed the “MJ” thing in as a cute nod. There’s even an interview where they talk about how they kinda regretted it after people flipped out.

Well said. This has been a terrible season.

One of the worst things is people in comp who say people are “taking it too seriously” as they “try out a new character” for the first time and people ask them not to.

I report so many people. This season seems worse in my opinion. I’m usually high gold (capping around 2450... yeah, so close, but so far away too haha). I went 8-2 in this season’s placements, getting many silver/gold medals and the only 2 losses were due to leavers. Placed at the *lowest* my rank has ever been. That

Is he the Protagonist of Persona 5???

Regarding MSG: “If you agree it’s safe”? Come on now, son. Thinking it’s not safe is fear-mongering based on one dude’s crazy obsession and literally zero research confirming it. MSG is also in a lot of stuff already. “No MSG” means no *added* MSG. MSG is perfectly safe. Maybe there’s a super rare allergy out there.

Another good resource is reddit.com/r/selfpublish. Fairly large community of other self published authors.

To be fair, it says “should”. So it’s realistic, as children shouldn’t. Doesn’t say they won’t, though.