
I never saw the movie adaptation! I’m willing to be cautiously optimistic, the original series’ I’ve seen on streaming services have so far been really good (I LOVED the Man in the High Castle series on Amazon) and Elisabeth Moss is spectacular. My fingers are crossed (and I may need to give the book a reread)!

They’ll put in a new section called Literal Prophecy


Where is Team Cat HQ these days?? It feels like ages since I’ve seen them.

THIS. I think I’d be more uncomfortable if I were taking a piss and two cops came in. I’m a goody-goody that rarely breaks the rules and cops make ME nervous.

Just curious, why did you insist on the Mirena instead of Skyla? I’ve been talking to my gyno about the IUD and she’s recommended Skyla, probably because I’m nulliparous as well, and I haven’t really seen a reason why Skyla or Mirena is better or worse for me. Don’t want to pry, just want to make sure I have all the

I guess it’s nice to see he’s taking care of himself?

My doctor told me about Implanon, and she said that some women bleed excessively with it, so I’m gonna give the Skyla IUD a whirl first

I’m getting an IUD next week, and I closely considered it and the implant. I settled on the IUD for a couple of reasons. 1) The implant releases hormones through your bloodstream, whereas the IUD is more localized in the uterus. 2) There is a possibility (not necessarily for everyone), that the implant can cause a lot

and then *drops mic*

Our national pastime!

Yep. You got it. You figured out our evil plan!!! Good for you!!!!!

“That hasn’t happened in quite some time,” Ginsburg responded

Oof, I shudder to think.

dangerous territory

Ew, “flower??” OH come on.

“And in 1776, the great stork dropped America on the doorstep of the British Empire!”

He definitely has a painting of himself up in an attic somewhere that ages while he stays the same.

