
he’s going to do a business

Before I decided to move to NY, I considered LA, which my father (R, Kentucky, Southern Baptist) said was “full of heathens”

I did that in HS quite a bit, just another questionable fashion choice for my mother to roll her eyes over. Like you say, over skinny jeans it isn’t that bad, but with flare/bootcut? Yeeeow.

See also: I HATE drama

The people in the apartment across the hall have been blasting music really loudly in the evenings lately and the other day it crossed my mind: “they could be murdering someone and we would never know”

It’s like when she was conceived she got zero genetic material from Donald

I’m dead I died and I’m dead

I want to see Ivanka with half of her head shaved

I hate how often that Margaret Atwood quote rings true, the one about men fearing women laughing at them and women fearing men killing them

My sister and I had a radio station, which was a tape player with a microphone and a recording function, ads and news we wrote, and songs we cut in with it. We even put up ads for it on the fridge! It was so much fun, and we still have a bunch of those tapes in a box at my parents’ house.

Harriet the Spy + Get a Clue

It’s not a violent act to set a building on fire? Is it not an intimidation tactic and destruction of property?

I’m about 95% sure that’s what my dad has in his shower

but, like, I’m okay with it??

It’s like a beautiful Gawker Reese’s cup

I live in NYC, and I made $15 an hour while temping—it’s tight, but possible.

I am OVER THE MOON happy about this!!

Oh my god! This is wonderful! I have nothing funny or sarcastic to say because I’m so damn happy, as someone who lives in NY and hopes to start a family sometime in the few years.

We used to sing it in the back of the school bus on field trips