yessss they are
yessss they are
omg that gif I can’t stop watching
Like, are legs supposed to be really big proportionally?? That doesn’t sound attractive at all
Have to say though, today is going to be EXHAUSTING going to both
this is good.
My dad was a teacher at my HS and chaperoned the first Homecoming dance during which I had a boyfriend.
All terrible. Full stop.
It’s DISC GOLF BRO —really insufferable dudes I went to college with
golf carts can stay
Yah but like
seconded :(
Sincerely wish I had read it in high school, I think it could have changed my attitudes about a few things earlier than nearly out of college.
Are you my sister and actually a secret feminist?? IS THAT YOU??
It was like the city was my grad school, and the internet was the required reading: I got a degree in Realizing What the Hell Was Going On.
I have a loving relationship with my family, and even if we disagree about most things, I still want to maintain it.
A thing I definitely wish I had done back when it was happening :/