
I don't know what it is about 7th grade. I didn't believe my parents or their friends, but 7th grade was the fucking WORST.

Slendy isn't real. He's a made up person. I just made up a person called Floppy Bopper(working on a backstory). If I went out and violently assaulted people in the name of Floppy Bopper, I would probably be institutionalised, and no one would sympathize with me.

I'm not mad and you caught me. I'm actually a cat with impeccable typing skills. We're done here, sorry you're so upset over the internet.

JFC, say you don't want to go somewhere and everyone loses their shit. Even if the poisonous/ scary shit is exaggerated, it's enough to turn me off. They had to create a new color on the heat index because of Australia, did they not? I'm sorry my dislike of insects, snakes and hot weather offend you so. You're playing

I think there's an app for it. One if my Twitter followers auto posts from it saying how many follows/unfollows each day .

Between all the super scary and poisonous things, extreme heat and not nice people, I'm just saying I'm completely turned off to the idea of Australia.

I guess this is reason number 76298 why I removed Australia from my bucket list.

I've always imagined Australian people to be very calm, courteous and chill. This is totally strange to me.

It makes me want to douse myself in gasoline, light myself on fire and then jump off a cliff. Hate hate hate hate hate that goddamn song.

I will maul someone for the pinks. There's usually only one in every pack.


You are right (?). To the 8 of us, we were drunk and bored. The 'suck my own dick' guys were clearly professional Omegel personalities. Check out Pinkstylist on YouTube, he is the master of Special FX makeup and a God on Omegel.

Jake?! You're the last person I'd expect to be here.

I'm irrationally jelly of you

I will. I have a surplus of exciting con damns (+if you know the reference), and I really like going to lunch on Sunday. I will buy your lunch as a token of my affection. Moar points if you turn Sunday into Hella Sunday Fun day. Dessert with lunch if you can accurately quote South Park.

Fun Story:


Why, thank you!

I am INSANELY jealous of people who can do voice impressions. The best I can do is Sheila Broflovski. And only that one line.

I'll read it.