Wa-D.D. Driver

I kind of feel like their marriage was the result of a series of farcical misunderstandings and he was simply too English to correct the priest before he declared them man and wife.

Because Amanda wanted us all to know that not only had she bagged the Goth girl dream boyfriend, but she was fucking around with other people on the side. So she talked about it a lot.

“All balls itch, it's a fact". Truer words were never spoken. 

Bring her into a role opposite Zabka in a Cobra Kai episode: “Just one of the Kais”.

They’ll vote for someone else but it won’t be Justin Amash.

Pffft you really think progressives would vote for Amash? The same guy who voted to repeal Obamacare and opposes abortion? Dunno, I think it would hurt trump more than it would help him.

Biden is quickly becoming incapacitated and Trump is Trump.

Ok, I agree that Amash is more of an annoyance in this particular election cycle, but the only reason 3rd parties don’t work is because the big 2 have a choke hold on our political system. They have the power, and don’t want to share it. They stay in power by keeping their little binary Dems vs Repubs battle going. The

I thought she was supposed to be his mom at first and was really confused. 

The thought of Hardwick hosting scared me shirtless.

Calm down. It’s Matt LeBlanc.

My question is do all bars in Reykjavik, look like an aisle at Wallmart?

Lesson learned: we must be Better than Ezra

Virtue signalling of course.

Coming soon in a theater near you!

Disney announces new release dates for Marvel’s next phase, Mulan, and Indiana Jones 5

Good use of the Oxford comma in this headline.

it’s me.