Wa-D.D. Driver

We’re sending the skanking guy to a farm upstate where he’ll have lots of room to skank.

I know the phrase “slippery slope” gets thrown around a lot these days, but once you force everyone to agree that art can be dangerous, that’s a slippery fucking slope.

Chappelle’s comedy aside, hate speech is protected in the U.S. under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. This is a good thing, because when Trump Jr. or DeSantis or Cruz or some other terrible person and their party controls the government, what is considered “hate speech” would certainly change in the eyes of the

I was going to sit this one out, because I did watch the special, and I am able to understand both context and subtext as a rational adult. And it seems a lot of the context and subtext went out the window with most people. America post-2016 is alive and well.

Dave actually talks about it in the special. There was a trans-woman comedian he was was friends with and helping mentor. She stood up for him after some jokes from a show were taken out of context. The twitter mob pounced on her. Shortly after, she jumped off a building.

Good for them.  Some people need to learn to re-separate “I don’t like this” from “I need to save everybody from this.”

what’s wrong with manslaughter?  the fuckin’ PC police?  CAN’T MEN EVEN LAUGH THESE DAYS

Honestly? It really is pretty funny, because it looks a lot like bukkake.

They let ‘rock n roll’ into NYC back in the ‘80s and I think we all know what happened:

wtf is covid lol

I got a Dawes notification for CancerAIDS?

There’s also almost no evidence, anywhere to suggest that sensibly spaced outdoor gatherings pose anything other than a miniscule risk of transmission.

The local Government in my area has placed restrictions on people going outdoors for exercise and leisure, but none whatsoever on going to the supermarket, which is

As a staff writer for an entertainment/pop culture website...do you actually think musicians are the only people who are losing out when live performances are cancelled?  You understand there is a metric fuckton of people whose careers have been upended, including a whole lot of staff who make these performances run,

Have you seen The Guest? Stevens is freakin’ fantastic in that movie, charming enough to see why the other characters let him into their lives but exuding enough menace and wrongness to clue the audience in on where the movie is heading. The way he just “turns off” and his face goes blank once he is not performing for

It was good for its time, in many ways, but the biggest issue is not that it became a representation of autism, but that it became the representation of autism. To this day, it’s frequently cited. I’m autistic, and I hear “but you don’t seem autistic to me!” all the time - by which they really mean “oh, but you don’t

You clearly don’t pay much attention to Dave Chappelle aside from what a few sources in your bubble spoon feed you.

In comments sections such as these, everyone is convinced that popular entertainment could make someone racist, but no one believes that they themselves could be made racist by popular entertainment.

This is obviously a good step

Wait a minute, why am I just learning Netflix has the Andy Griffith show NOW?!

he only looks good by comparison and even then as long as there’s no scrutiny. admittedly, the man could deliver a speech with the best of them and some of his 2008 campaigning videos still give me chills...but all that talk about ‘change’ and ‘progress’ was meaningless.