Depends on the bear.
Depends on the bear.
White guys run away from bison like this, but black guys run away from bison like THIIIIIS
That wacky depression!
Danny McBride for Joe or GTFO.
Ok, who else figured the “exotic” ingredient in the wacky cake was going to be marijuana?
Young people acting reckless, stupid and invincible? I AM SHOCKED.
You’ve got a face for Kinja.
What an unnecessarily pissy article.
I can’t tell you how good it is to see people saying this here. I’ve supported him since the beginning, and watching the narrative form has been enlightening to say the least.
I get that hardcore lefties got scared by Buttigieg and how his campaign aimed for the center so successfully, but it doesn’t make the smear campaign against him look any less unmotivated and ridiculous. It’s like MAGA, only more intellectually insufferable.
Seriously. What the fuck did I just read? A gay man runs for president, and the AV Club berates him for not being liberal enough. In the age of Trump when fascism, and nazis have become relevant in domestic politics, we’re going to point to this guy as being part of the problem, and give him a dressing down for not…
It angers me that he’s getting paid to write this shit.
If Jacobin and The Root had a stupid baby, it would be this.
Even by AVC standards, this one is just pure bile. Yeesh.
Shadow Republican? Billionaire bootkisser?
What an unnecessarily pissy article.
Feels like a short-sighted move. If they just wait a few weeks, they can get someone who is most famous for running two failed presidential campaigns.
“That show is still on?” is my sentiment, but not out of any malice or laughing at the fanbase/show, but rather a genuine curiosity in how many of the doctors have to die or be murdered before they shut that frickin hospital down since clearly it is built on a haunted Indian burial ground.