Wa-D.D. Driver

I heard Laurel!

Springsteen always gets a pass on things because of his working class, Blue collar image which mainly non-working class boomers love to glom onto so they can pretend they’re down with blue collar people too.

I’m sure most people will disagree with me (especially in my home state of NJ), but I’d say Springsteen for many of the same reasons Billy Joel was given above. I find pretty much all of his stuff to be, you know, fine, and most it’s actually pretty good. But it never truly grabs me, and I never think of it as great -

It’s like a satirical version of the Snickers hangry commercials.

The argument over the check with my family tends to be everyone staring silently at it until I relent and pay. I need to ask Salty if it’s ok for a 40-something to start looking for adoptive parents.

Counterpoint, tomato juice is gross.

“What Donald Trump said about the events in Charlotte, North Carolina, is beyond the pale.”

Whenever David Tepper isn’t at an owners meeting, all of the other owners should be asking “Where’s David Tepper?”

Rooting for Rami, but so far the trailer’s giving me Ray vibes.

*Loises Lane

My reaction to everything Gaspar Noe has ever done:

Usually when I see someone walking a dog on a no-dog trail or smoking cigarettes in a public park, I shoot them a dirty look. If I am in a particularly sour mood, I might even walk over to them and call them out for breaking the rules. I do not call the police though, because calling the police over to enforce a

You buried the lede: they’re actually banning triangles. TRIANGLES!

You know, I bet that once they taste the sublime mixture of toasted coconut, caramel and chocolate, they’ll change their tune.

Fine. When will this country get serious about Scotland’s mental illness?

And even if it’s not legal, mind your own business unless it’s an actual emergency.

He really does put his points very eloquently. Perhaps he’s so eloquent because he received a fantastic education for FRE-*Gets sucked into hot take black hole*

Not a movie but a series: American Vandal

The kicker on that book cover is that it is by the author of Apeshit. Because of course it is.

I really hope Kinja Ernie isn’t a parent: