Wa-D.D. Driver

Curry off the bench is dangerous. Take it from me, a guy who once ate some curry I found on a bench.

Me usually bristle at commenters attacking articles as clickbait, but this one was pretty stupid. “Hey, you may not have noticed this thing in Avengers that we all directly saw happen on screen and was talked about in movie.” It like saying “you’ll never believe what biblical relic Indiana Jones was looking for in Raid

My preferred method for making creme anglaise is to fuck up making a creme brulee.

“Should I plan to break up with someone at a restaurant?”

This column should be renamed “Letters From Idiots.”

Oh. Wow. I have to say, I can’t relate to that line of thinking at all. I disagree both that there’s any point at all in remaking Hard Boiled (a showcase for HK action wizardry at its peak more than a story worth retelling) and that the thing that would make it better would be to tone it down in any way. That

But Ziggy says there’s only a 12.5% chance of you getting an upvote!

It’s true, it’s true, he’s so lame!

“Hi kids. Where’s your father?”

“I don’t want no part of yo tight-ass Infinity War, ya freak bitch!”

We deal with a similar privacy issue regarding our phone numbers every day. If I never install a single smartphone app, and only give my phone number to friends, then my friends grant contact access to the same apps, relationships can be established. You are only as private and secure as your weakest link. Which is

I absolutely agree. I love Civil War, but the only person who should have had to sign was Iron Man. I also can’t get over the fact that when Ross was showing the damage from the Avenger’s previous fights, no one brought up that the government tried to drop a nuke on New York in the middle of the fight, and The

Ummm, sorry to disagree but Hot Rod is one of the best comedies of the last ten years.

Propane < Charcoal < Wood Fire < The Smoldering Remains of Your Enemies

One of my biggest problems with Civil War was nobody calling out Tony for Ultron. Like the whole Sokvia thing was entirely his fault and he wanted everyone to sign these accords to keep them in check. When it was really just him that needed to be kept in check. I get that when he was saying “we” he meant himself, but

Gas grills, though. Grills only Hank Hill could love.

“What should I have done when accidentally served alcohol while pregnant?”

The answer to “should I have been more angry in this situation?” is rarelyyes”. 

And finally, there’s Sly and the Family Stone. They’re not really superheroes, though. More just like everyday people. 

“It doesn’t look like anything to me”