
To be honest i’m still amused by the mechanic of having the same CP Pokemon becoming harder to catch as you level up. Making it harder to find them in the first place is just gravy.

only downside to these is most of them wont run over 60fps properly. they will look like gameplay is sped up. so that equired 80-90 fps that it takes to fool the human eye isnt possible. there will be a fair number of people who will feel motion sick from playing this.

This whole thing is frankly a bunch of kids who aren’t informed enough about actual recent American history but who are overly informed about the very recent and obscure history of GamerGate.

Ugh for fucks sake, what a fucking non-controversy.

Nintendo is smart enough not to engage with people stirring up shit. There is nothing to be gained from doing so. Zoe has a persecution complex. It is 100% a Watergate reference.

News: blizzard just pulled down the video not 2 minutes ago.

A good plot twist, link is zelda all along

I’m finally getting to the point of being outright tired of these conversations. They will do what they want to do, and it is their right to do so.

My god people. Stop finding reasons to get mad. Go play a video game and enjoy it. Stop forcing creators to adhere to your ridiculous agendas. If you want things your way go create something yourself. Leave the developers to develop “their” vision. There is not a single person who is begging and demanding a male Tomb

Listen, I have nothing to do with GamerGate. I could not give a fuck about their movement, but you are in a massive amount of denial here.

Yeah no sorry if you make comments like that on twitter you should not have a job in MARKETING for NINTENDO.

This woman was all over fucking Twitter talking about pedophile rights and how child porn should be legal (or at least decriminalized). She published a fucking essay on the subject.

Actually, I’m kind of stunned that Nintendo took THIS long to fire her. Kotaku conveniently left out that Allison Rapp, who worked on Nintendo’s MARKETING team, had very radical ideas regarding underage sex and child molesters and child porn. No, I’m not talking about her essay mentioned on this article, but multiple

“Splashes of blood briefly appear with each successful hit. One character is depicted smoking a cigar.” thats ok, but a Pose of a girl standing up looking to her back is too sexual, grow the fuck up America.

The way they handled this is just plain wrong. caving in to terrorist demands basically. Whats next removal of all the women characters?! I requested a refund for my pre-order I’ll wait til the game is release and this calms down. Voting with my wallet! you opened the flood gates with this blizzard.

someone needs to spam the person who started the complaint with all the Overwatch porn thats going around tumblr.

People getting “butt” hurt over nothing, again...

Muslims aren’t really being stereotyped. That would mean that the perspective shown in some way oversimplifies or doesn’t present a well rounded and fair view.

yeah I’m affraid I have to recommend people wait for the next iterations, they’re only a year or two off. I am of the opinion that VR needs to use 4K displays, minimum. It needs more API work on irregular-grid frame-buffers so you can focus more work on the pixels in focus and less work on the pixels in the

None of that is true, yet you got 47 (and counting) recommendations.