For me it’s the esports stuff. If you love esports you should be on Kotaku everyday. If you don’t you’re going to probably use Kotaku as a secondary source.
For me it’s the esports stuff. If you love esports you should be on Kotaku everyday. If you don’t you’re going to probably use Kotaku as a secondary source.
That’s why I was surprised they didn’t follow up with Spencer’s response. They already featured Sony’s lame excuse. Might as well get the rest of it right?
When I read the headline I thought the cross play stuff was going to be included for sure. I’m surprised Kotaku never covered Spencer’s response.
Sorry no. I’m pretty sure you’d have to have your phone jailbroken. I always have to side load my trackers on my G5.
Google GoRadar if you have an android. It’s exactly what you’re looking for.
I’m appeased. A lot of us just needed a bit of communication. Just a basic statement letting us know they’re working on it. I’ll use 3rd party trackers for now but I’m exciting that I’ll be able to ditch them in the future.
Nope just disabled. The pokemon listed on your nearby are pokemon within a certain radius.
I see a lot of misinformation on here.
This is completely false. When the 3 step glitch was in effect you could do this. The nearby list is now completely randomized. I spent all day using a tracker so I know for certain.
It doesn’t work like that anymore. The nearby list is completely random. You’re flying blind.
The nests were being mapped out and I had confirmed them myself a few days ago through Pokevision. On Friday Niantic shuffled all the Pokemon that nest and the Dratini nests all turned to Eevee. But instead of another Pokemon nest shifting to Dratini it didn’t seem to happen. I hope it’s not true because I could never…
Dratini nests have been erased as of Friday. Unless you already have a Dragonite you’re pretty much screwed unless you’re very lucky.
And you won’t from here on out. They killed off all Dratini nests yesterday. If you were lucky enough to know about them beforehand and farmed for Dragonites you have a huge advantage over everyone else. That door has been shut.
“It’s easy to see why Internet savvy folks might conclude Nintendo chose more topical event.”
I hate to break it to you but besides a very tiny minority of people who follow gaming news day to day nobody knows about or cares about gamergate.
I thought the same thing. All sex appeal and no personality.
That popped into my head during the first game after using the character creator, but it really would be way off for the game. The boys and girls really do split themselves into separate factions in the show, as they often do in real life at that age.
It’s ok special snowflake we’ll get you your own precious safe space <3
I disagree. It’s Kotaku’s heavy pushing of social issues and the community’s regressive nature that have been dragging it down. It went from my only gaming source to 3rd in less than a year. They push too hard and waste time instead of covering actual gaming news. All of Gawker is like this and I’ve replaced them.