
Not actually a female version of Link.
Blond, dresses in green, and named similarly. That’s pretty much where the similarities end.
She was originally designed to be Link’s little sister (it remains to be seen if that’s still who she is, or if she’s just another random Hylian girl).

She’s literally the “Here, now shut

Oddly enough I sent a tipster e-mail about this on Thursday, where I tried to explain a few important things:

1. Soleil is straight. While she openly flirts with other girls this is, by her own admission later in the game, a ploy to piss off her dad, she likes men in a sexual matter.

You should check out Destructoid’s article on the matter as it is probably the best one I’ve seen that helps clear up this whole mess. People seem to keep ignoring the Soleil and Foleo supports, but I think it’s what best describes the situation.

A previous build, yes. Not the current build. (Also not the teacups, the pirate ship)

She is too closely associated with whiny twats with too much free time? I can see how that might be a problem.

She’s too closely associated with gamergate and feminists and SJW’s and Tumblr and you know... all the turbulence during the last year or so

Oh I agree, the history of GH and RB is a bit convoluted. However IMO Guitar Hero became the imitator when Harmonix left, particularly since they lagged behind on innovation with the whole band thing, and then didn’t really do much outside of that. This is the first time that Guitar Hero feels like it’s being abjectly

Look, just talk about video games. Particularly the ones you like or upcoming ones that look good to you. Much less stress this way.

Meanwhile at PAX East, nobody mentioned Gamergate and everyone had a good time.

"The GDC I saw through the lens I made for myself and blame others for"

I love this update. I've enjoyed the little I've done in the raid, the two new strikes are awesome, they did better work on the story (though I feel they could have done a lot more it is better imp). Is it worth $20? For some people no, but for me hell yes it is and then some. Don't let other people's views completely

Related: I am having much more fun with Hyrule Warriors than I ever thought I would.

Wholly unrelated, but why did the post 'This Week in the Business: A War on Women disappear with all the comments as well, and if i try to read the comments of the people who replied to me, I get an "Error 401, You must be a member of this blog?"

Sorry to break this to you guys, but that's not how it works. You can't just like something 100.000 times and suddenly cancer is cured.

This whole thing is just tiring. All of it. Gamergaters, journalists, the "social justice" types, everyone. Nobody comes out of this clean. Everybody involved in this whole thing wants to act like they have the moral high ground, and everybody has their pet cause that they're fighting for and pushing for and

Good on you, folks. And good on Gawker management for addressing the issue. Today is a good day for those of us who want to idle away our time at work by reading snarky takes on news or simply look at adorable cat and ursine videos (I would have said bear, but with the gif problem that could have been misconstrued).

edit: whoops, scratch that, misread

No. This is not "Rock Band" this is "A Rock Band" more commonly known as "a group of musicians." The real "Rock Band" is Dance Dance Revolution kind of deal with a tiny, plastic, fisher price guitar. It is also so near and dear to my heart that when you say "Rock Band" and you don't mean the game Rock Band, on a

Yeah, I didn't see a single plastic instrument or note highway. O.O