Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead
A generation is not defined by capabilities. An item is part of a "generation" based on the time of its arrival, and also its status as a successor to the previous generation. The Wii U is both the successor to the Wii, and was released around the same time as the PS4 and XB1. Therefore, it is part of the next (or…
A generation is not, however, defined by capabilities. It is merely a grouping of items based on the time of their arrival, and their succession to the previous generation. The Wii U is part of the next (current) generation by definition, because it is the successor to the Wii (and was released around the same time…
I disagree. "Generation" merely means a grouping based on successors over time. It doesn't refer to the capabilities or lack thereof, or success/failure of those successors. The Wii U is part of this current generation of consoles by virtue of the fact that it is the successor to the Wii. If it only ever sold one…
I guess my argument should be that something like Xenoblade SHOULD be influential. It's arguably the most user-friendly, accessible JRPG I've ever played. Save anywhere without save points? Frequent checkpoints? Instant teleportation to any landmark you've been to? Almost no penalty for exploration or attempting to…
I'll be honest, this is a pretty good list. If I had to add more, I'd probably go with:
I never saw this one coming. I was looking forward to The Last Story and only bought Xenoblade to help out the Operation Rainfall folks in getting The Last Story over to our shores.
Point of order: the next (or rather, current at this point) generation started with the release of the Wii U. If the last gen was PS3/360/Wii, the Wii U (as the successor to the Wii) represents the start of the next gen, not the PS4.
Dang Brawl modding has definitely come a long way.
My question about this would be... Can you do this mod in the wii u? or is it Wii exclusive?
Oh please, it's not that it's 'intimidating', it's that it's not fun. I lost interest brawl because at every gathering I went to where it was played was dominated by semi-pro wannabes who turned all the items off and insisted on the plainest stages, when all I wanted was to play that game I discovered back in middle…
I'm sorry, but I don't think you have your facts straight. You're coming across as a delusional fanboy by just blurting out accusations. Development of the Wii remote began in 2001, but even assuming they did somehow copy Sony (because who else could possibly have been thinking about motion controlled gaming at the…
There are already ways, and I'm baffled why more developers don't use them.
I remember the first time we got four people together to play Boston's Foreplay back during my first Rock Band party in college. That was a truly magical experience and I'm still on that high we felt that night.
Is there a prize for these contests? I'm not new to Kotaku, but I usually just pass these posts up.
Nope, sorry. To be honest, this is still Army of Two, but they did seem to cut *too* many things about. But if you look at it as more of a reboot, than a sequel, I'm sure you'll enjoy. This game was a direct result of critics complaining about the game's co-op features, so it plays like a traditional TPS. Overkill is…
I think Julie Uhrman is right about the Ouya. I am not an advocate for the thing—I have actually been super skeptical about it for a long time. I also haven't really been following it, so the following statements are completely uneducated.
Assuming it can play most current computer games with relative ease and doesn't …
The game has some really awesome stretch goals.
I kind of wish that rather than saying "well, this UI can't work at phone size" they would at least let me try and find out.