Tablets only. Look closely
Tablets only. Look closely
well, according to the other comment, it isn't even compatible with the Xperia Play and i know for sure it isn't compatible with the Galaxy S3. but it is compatible with my shitty 2 year old Asus tablet?!?
Hmm, not compatible with the Nexus 7, EVO LTE (HTC One X), Xperia Play or the Galaxy S 3. Not going to sell a whole lot of these for Android I guess. (US versions of these devices)
The aggro is still there, it just isn't in your face. You'll know when enemies are focused on you, and you'll know when they have no idea where you are.
You act as if Nintendo is immune to the ways of the market, they are not. The WiiU console at best is priced to break even right now and in order to make money on the investment they have to sell the things, they aren't doing a good job of that. The 3ds, yeah it makes them cash, so your saying they are not a console…
There is actually a lot to suggest he is correct. Take a look at the stocks, the company is not doing any better now that before the Wii and the talks were already happening then of Nintendo going software only. The Wii was, to put it simply, a miracle that not even Nintendo predicted. Because of the lack of…
They were kind of annoying and well, stupid. Let's stand back to back and rotate slowly while taking ridiculous amounts of damage in slow motion while still killing enemies. And don't get me started on the synchronized sniper shot.
Pretty much all modern media has gone through this process. The 1954 comic book hearings come to mind. Some of the language of the censors during the mid 50's is strikingly similar to what you'll hear pundits saying today. Frederic Wertham in particular said some pretty bat-guano insane things.
Most congressman/reporters now watch movies. This wasn't always true. In the past movies were blamed about as often as video games for the ills of society. In time the old folks will die off and more people who played video games will take positions of power and authority. Then we'll all blame whatever the new form of…
Of course it isn't a focus, EA's still pissy over their whole failed deal to take over the system. Oh well. I got the system knowing what I wanted out of it. Keep giving me weird niche titles and Nintendo stuff and I can always get the blockbuster whatevers on PC or something.
Good job of making the game seem a lot worse than it actually is. It's definitely the best entry in the series, doing away with all the force co-op mechanics and making things a little more natural. Gunplay is still a bit off, and as much as I hate the term/classifcation, but this a bro series, deal with it.
It's really great that games like Dragon's Crown are still being made, games made with a lot of heart and effort.
It really embodies the feeling of Dungeons & Dragons and 80's fantasy in a way that's just not being done in the west any more.
More than that, it references the great works of classical western artwork too:
This feeling...